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[udig-devel] Re: [udig-users] ID of FID

Hi, I'm taking this to the devel list, since I also need some clarification.
Am I right in saying that the primary key column is taken as the FID field?

This, in my opinion brings to different behaviours.
Imagine I have a postgis table with 4 fields, one of which is primary key.
case 1: I load it into udig through the postgis connection. Then I
export the layer to shapefile and what I gain is a file containing
only 3 fields, since the original primary key field was transformed
into FID and therefore distorting it, and also the FID is not

case 2: I export the shapefile through pgsql3shp. I get my nice
shapefile with all 4 fields.

Is this a known behaviour? Is this a proper behaviour?

I have a strange feeling in knowing that I will lose a field in
exporting a postgis layer through udig.

>  I am trying to manage some data in a
>  postgres-postgis database through
>  uDig and I have this strange behavior.
>  In postgres I have a geometry table with some
>  attribute columns, in
>  particular I have the shape and the ID columns.
>  When I visualize the same table in uDig I can
>  visualize the shapes and
>  in the table view I cannot see the ID column. I
>  notice that the FID
>  field contains the information of the original ID
>  column plus the name
>  of the layer/table.
>  Is this normal or is it due to some option setted
>  in the postgres table?
>  Is it possible to visualize the ID column also in
>  udig?
>  This is a problem because if I export the table in
>  a new shapefile the
>  information of the FID will be reseted and I
>  completely loose my
>  connection withe the ID field that is the field I
>  use for connecting
>  non-geographical information with the features in
>  the table.
>  Thanks in advance,
>  Cheers
>  Silvia
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>  udig-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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