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Re: [udig-devel] SDK Problems

1.  Make sure that you when you launch the application you have added the VM argument:  -Dosgi.parentClassloader=ext 
Also double check that the correct VM is being used.

2.  I don't think uDig recognizes jpgw.  I think the patterns it follows are:
.wld and jgw


Le 15-Feb-08 à 6:34 AM, Kempenaers Stephen a écrit :

Dear all,

I have 2 problems:

I have now followed the SDK quickstart as explained on "".

I managed to get it up an running from within the Eclipse SDK :-) but I cannot render a WMS layer, I keep on getting the error that JAI cannot be found. 

When I look with processExplorer, I can see that the process javaw is the jre that is the one patched with the jai libs in the ext dir, so it should find them ..

Even my eclipse is running on that same JRE with jai, I have no other JRE defines in my eclipse preferences.
Probably I'm doing something completely wrong, but I have not have a clue what ;-)

When I select a jpg which has a jpgw next to it it does not load it ….
The error is shown in the resource selection panel: "Unable to recognize service, please choose another" ...

I'm using "udig-1.1-RC14-sdk"


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