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Re: [udig-devel] UDig implementation questions


uDig is a Rich Client Application which means it requires more that just SWT.  However uDig is designed to be configurable so what can be done is that you can rebrand uDig so it appears to be your own application.  But you will have to package your current application as an RCP application and add it to uDig.  

I have to warn you RCP is a fairly large step beyond Simple SWT so I'd start with reading RCP articles on the eclipse website and making some "Hello World" RCP applications to get familiar with how they work.  Try to make an application that has your own splash screen for example.  Then you can start working with uDig.  Ask lots of questions here and we'll do what we can to minimize the stress :)


On 18-Dec-07, at 5:24 PM, unknown unknown wrote:


i am trying to add simple GIS function into my application. My application is written in SWT. Is it possible to use udig? How do i get started? Thanks.


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