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Re: [udig-devel] Where to process additional menu contributions into uDig?

Adrian Custer wrote:
Hey Jody,

I don't want to start really reading this thread because I can't focus
exclusively on it right now. Can I assume you are going to write up a
new wiki page that will deprecate the rest once you have decided on a
course of action?
I will document as I go; I cannot deprecate without a conversation on udig-devel about what people
are using.
Also, in your assessment please keep in mind that I would really like a
left most menu that is *not* the 'file' menu but, like on the mac, the
'app' menu, ideally with the preferences and update links moved from
their regular eclipse hangouts. Ideally, I would dump the meaningless
'file' and have a menu structure that starts:

myDig Catalog Project
Yes; there are two ways to do this:
1- define your own RCP application with its own menus; and depend on uDig to contribute everything in using the menus extention point. For this to work your "own menus" must have a few reference points (such as an edit menu). It is these reference points I am documenting now. 2- Reuse the uDig menus; and contribute your new stuff in using the menus extension point

These two stories are a little bit in conflict; to answer your question the menu path: would contribute a "left most menu".
or some such.

--adrian, who now goes off to delete jody's recent spew thankfully
        imagining that this aspect will get properly resolved.
This is mostly my question; I can just talk to Jesse about this stuff - I only send email because I like
to practice open development. Are these emails helpful or just annoying?
Oh, and I am willing anytime to be your documentation guinea pig since
this is something I hope gets resolved correctly for everyone.
Thanks Adrian - docs will always be a work in progress; based on moovida's comment I am going to be sure to refresh the docs that are included in extras (since we need feedback if docs are to be any good).


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