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Re: [udig-devel] Please test advanced graphics in 1.1-rc12 on linux

It works beautifully here.

Debian Etch
PIV 1,6 Ghz
1250 Mb RAM

If I had a build for x86_64 I could test it on that architecture, any plans on this?. I used RC11 on that machine and, oh boy, does that thing fly. I'd love to give the latest version a shot on that architecture because it feels much improved.

Juan Marín Otero
Ingeniero de Montes
Consultor SIG

-------Visita mi blog en---------------------

2007/10/10, Adrian Custer <acuster@xxxxxxxxx>:
Hey all,

Are you using uDig? Does your computer run GNU? Then uncle Dig needs
your help.

uDig 1.1 has had a work-around for a bug in eclipse 3.2 on linux. This
involved disabling "advanced graphics". RC12 is based on eclipse 3.3 and
so, perhaps, this work-around is no longer needed. We need to test this
broadly and confirm that no one has trouble to get rid of the startup

Please run rc12 on a clean workspace and "do nothing" at startup.
Alternatively, check the preference for advanced graphics in
  Window -> Preferences => uDig UI tab -> check "Advanced graphics"
so we can test the feature. After that use, uDig for a while, do some
crazy stuff and see if the maps still display properly and the selection
or zoom boxes are nice and alpha-transparent

Please report successes with a brief message such as:

        subject: "Adv.Grph . works for me"
          Athlon x-64 513mb memory
          Mandrake 2008

or some other brief summary.

Please reports failures with a bit more detail, e.g.:

        subject: " Adv.Grph. broken on slackware 2.0"
           I'm still running on a 1.x g'linux kernel, with ten year old
        libraries. Somehow I can run uDig but advanced graphics is
        broken when I first open a map.

        machine: 486, 4MB ram, tape drives, ...

With your help, we might get rid of a work around! Thanks,


User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS (uDig)

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