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[udig-devel] What features are supported in uDig

Cool; if you can ask your professor to contact us we can let you have access to our commercial training materials. We do a 5 day course but we have arranged to let students and academics download the content (in trade for feedback!).

You can work with the features defined by the Simple Feature for SQL specification (ie Point, LineString, Polygon, MultiPoint, MultiLineString, MultiPolygon etc...). That lists the "shapes" that are supported (ie what you can draw). What you use those shapes to represent (and what information you track) is up to you.

Try going through walkthrough 1 and walkthrough 2 on the documentation page it will show you how to make custom geographic features and save them to a shapefile.

PS. You may notice that I keep sending these emails to the udig-devel email list - why not sign up?)
Hi Jody,

Thank you for your valuable reply.
I am in San diego state university.
About adding some features, I have to start a project in which I need to add some features to uDig. It will be helpful to start the project if you can suggest,What kind of geographic feature on a map can I add using uDig?
and what additional functionality is possible to add in it.

Best Regards,
Nikhil Mehetre

On 9/27/07, *Jody Garnett* < jgarnett@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:jgarnett@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:

    Nikhil Mehetre wrote:
    > Hi Jody
    > I am a CS major graduate student.
    That is great - what school? And how can we interest you in our
    > I am learning uDig  and want to know what features uDig lacks as
    > compared to other GIS tools like JUMP, mapserver,map window etc.
    That is a wide range of tools? We build uDig in response to some
    of the
    limitations we had with JUMP (which Refractions Research also uses),
    MapServer is a server side thing that makes the pretty pictures, Map
    Window I think is a .NET project?

    Here is some more information:
    > What kind of enhance feature can be added in uDig?
    Is that geogrpahic "Feature" on a map? Or additional functionality?
    We use eclipse RCP to manage the feature set of uDig you can find
    additional fun things in the Help menu using a magic "update site" url
    that Jesse will tell us about real soon now ;-)

    > I will appreciate your help in this regard.
    > Best Regards,
    > Nikhil Mehetre
    > 619-228-1392

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