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Re: [udig-devel] Agent Based Modelling

If you are familiar with svn it is easy to grab the code and make a branch, right now we have two active branches:
- trunk - targetting GeoTools 2.4.x (after next week 2.5.x)
- 1.1.x - targetting GeoTools 2.4.x

If possible you should try an make the world wind viewer a normal plugin, we have a community section of svn for such works. When the plugin passes a QA review the plugin would simply be included with the udig release.


Tisham Dhar wrote:
Hi all,

Eclipse RCP is indeed good as an integration platform. For displaying a
3D Global view there is always World Wind Java which is not in beta and
would greatly benefit from Udigs framework of data import/layer
management etc. We just need some momentum going on the integration. Is
there a branch where things are being experimented on and who is lead
there ... Jody let me know ...

Tishampati Dhar

 Software Developer


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