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Re: [udig-devel] automated: map layer selection, styling, zoom to desired bbox, export pdf/svg/other?

For each available 'route id':

1) Define a style for our layers which only colours/shows the points/lines with this route id.

Basically you come up with a SLD that has a rule for each ID. A rule has symbolizer that indicate how to style the feature and a rule restricts what features the symbolizers can apply to. A rule has a Filter that is used to determine whether or not the rule applies to the Feature. See FilterFactory and FilterFactoryFinder for details on filters. And StyleBuilder and StyleFactory on creating styles.

2) Zoom to the bbox of those points/lines (with a bounding envelope of 500m, say)

Sounds like a tool you might want to create. There is a page on the website that discusses tools but it looks like the site is down so you'll have to do a search when it comes up. For now look at the net.refractions.udig.project.ui.tool extension point in the IDE.

3) Export the resulting area (ideally to a vector format such as pdf/svg, else to png)

There is a builtin extension point called for exporting. It will add your functionality to the export menu.

4) Add some annotation/legend to the export

The MapGraphic extension is a good one to use for annotations and other custom information you want to put on the map.

There is a legend mapgraphic and a grid mapgraphic that you can use as examples.

Of course there's no need for the 'Map' to really do all that zooming/styling/rendering onscreen -- it could happily just render to a suitable "export device".

Can anyone point us to what is and is not available to help with the above, and any suggestions for how to go about steps 3,4 in particular?

thanks for any advice,


User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS (uDig)

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