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[udig-devel] Overworked CPU

Hi all,

I'm running uDig 1.1-RC10  Geoserver 1.5.? and Oracle on my laptop (2GB RAM, Intel core 2 duo CPU) and am testing viewing mastermap for an entire UK county via WFS.  I have 3 layers loaded in uDig, topographic line, which is all the lines on the map (there are 4.8 million in the complete table but I'm only looking at one village in uDig at the moment, the points which I extracted from topographic line (21 million points in the layer) and a data layer which compared to the other two is inconsequential!

Initially when the layers are loaded it takes a minute or so for them to be rendered but once they're there I can pan around and zoom with reasonable speed, there's usually a second or so delay before a redraw but nothing prohibitive.  What's troubling me is that some 15 minutes after the layers have been rendered on screen the CPU is still maxed out between Oracle and java and I can't work out why?  It has now calmed down to normal levels but presumably if I had several people accessing this data simultaneously I'm gonna need a super fast server to be able to handle it?

Has anyone got experience of using uDig with Oracle and Geoserver with this level of detailed data?  Will a working Oracle datastore in uDig dramatically speed this up as I suspect?  Is there an eta for uDig with geotools 2.4 so I can try this out?

Any comments appreciated,



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