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Re: [udig-devel] Re: Some questions

I have some ideas ... depending on what query you do (ie what Filter) the shapefile datastore is going to start by traversing a different file. I bet if a FidFilter is being used it is starting with the shx file? If a geometry filter was being used it would traverse the shp file (and randomly access the other two).

I always though all three were needed?


Sergiy Doroshenko wrote:
It seems that .shx file is mandatory when we want to delete features
from layer. If .shx is absent, deleting works bad - picture of deleted
feature remains on the screen or another features will dissapear. But
when clicking InfoTool on the deleted feature - there is no feature
displayed in the Information View.

And when .shx file is present together with .dbf and .shp files -
delete tool is working.

But again to FidFilter :) Can you understand why FidFilter worked
without .shx file in RC9 and doesn't work now? Thanks!
User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS (uDig)

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