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[udig-devel] Community Pages

Hi Bastian,

Following your instructions in ‘’ I´ve just dropped your plug-in into the plugin directory of (1.1. rc10) installation. I check into udig session that Plug-in ‘WPS Support Plug-in’ is properlly loaded, but the supposed new menu preferences option, the new log4j view, etc., does not appear… There may be anything I´m missing??

On the other hand, Will it be possible to contribute extensions to Web Processing Services? How can it be done?


Thanks & congratulations,





Javier Sánchez

Genasys II Spain, S.A.U.


Ventura de la Vega, 5

28014 - Madrid, SPAIN

Phone   + 34 91 364 91 00

Fax     + 34 91 364 91 19

Email   jsanchez@xxxxxxxxxxx



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