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Re: [udig-devel] how to start threads with monitor?

Alright, I see what you mean, the swt dialog gives very nice
possibilities to customise the dialog and buttons, so that should be ok.

You are right, it is hard to define what to ask, if the answer is just
yes/no :)

Thanks for the advice.

Adrian Custer probaly wrote:
> On Mon, 2007-04-30 at 10:34 +0200, Andrea Antonello wrote:
>> Hi Adrian,
>> I don't understand exactly what you mean.
>> Not asking users during the calculations at all or just the yes/no?
> phrasing the question as yes/no. Pick other names and skip the standard
> SWT dialog. It's more work for us, we have to build a custom dialog, but
> saves our users time and confusion. Actually we should probably build
> our own equivalent of the yes/no dialog...
> --adrian
>> I make you an example. I have a shapefile representing the a river. The
>> user digitalized it very badly, so I'm not sure how to get the river to
>> go from its highest point to it's lowest (immagining I have no elevation
>> info). I extract all the coords, order them nicely and then, I have to
>> ask the user if the direction is the right one.
>> How to do that without a dialog window?
>> I'm very willing to talk about that if that can make usability better.
>> Andrea
>> Adrian Custer probaly wrote:
>>> On Sun, 2007-04-29 at 18:36 +0200, Andrea Antonello wrote:
>>>> Two questions about the PlatformGIS.runInProgressDialog method:
>>>> 1) if something goes wrong the method swallows the exception thrown in
>>>> the code, saying they get logged, however the thread returns without
>>>> saying anything about the error to the workbench. Why that?
>>>> 2) Ok about decoupling gui and algorythm, but what if I need to ask a
>>>> yes or no to the user 
>>> PLEASE, Please, please: No yes/no questions.
>>> I realize this is going to be hard with eclipse but we have found that
>>> asking users in that way is BAD. 
>>>         (1) It makes users read the question which slows everyone down
>>>         (2) There are some situations where phrasing the question
>>>         becomes very hard.
>>> So please, come up with workflow terms (verbs) Act/Don't Act,
>>> Calculate/Cancel or other pairs.
>>> Please protect our users (i.e. me),
>>> thanks,
>>>   adrian
>>>> as soon as something was calculated inside the
>>>> algorythm? If I put inside the IRunnableWithProgress a dialog, at that
>>>> point the method breaks (due to the hidden exception) and returns
>>>> without saying anything. What if I would like to popup a warning dialog?
>>>> Is there a way? In swing the invokelater gave that possibility, but how
>>>> to do here?
>>>> Andrea
>>>> Jesse Eichar probaly wrote:
>>>>> So I think you could just reorder things then:
>>>>> final Runnable openMessage = new Runnable(){
>>>>> public void run(){
>>>>>   MessageDialog dialog = new MessageDialog(new Shell(SWT.BORDER |
>>>>>         SWT.DIALOG_TRIM),    "Warning", null, "Will I show up?",
>>>>> MessageDialog.WARNING, new String[]{"Ok"}, 0);
>>>>>           ;
>>>>>             }
>>>>>   }
>>>>> }
>>>>> Display.getDefault().asyncExec( openMessage );
>>>>> IRunnableWithProgress operation = new IRunnableWithProgress(){
>>>>> public void run( IProgressMonitor monitor ) throws
>>>>>         InvocationTargetException, InterruptedException {
>>>>>             monitor.beginTask("Message!!!", 100);
>>>>>             // do operation.
>>>>>       };
>>>>> PlatformGIS.runInProgressDialog( "Running my Operation", true, operation );
>>>>> On Apr 26, 2007, at 11:56 PM, Andrea Antonello wrote:
>>>>>> alright, I'm not as good as I would like in describing things :)
>>>>>> So here I go:
>>>>>> I used the tool extention point to create an Action. This is a button in
>>>>>> the toolbar that launches a dialog used to configure the module.
>>>>>> So I click on the button and a fancy dialog appears. I set my variables
>>>>>> and maps and push the start button. At that point I would like to have
>>>>>> my whole gui not to be blocked, while the algorithm does its work.
>>>>>> Also I would give feedback to the user about what is going on, so I need
>>>>>> the monitor instance.
>>>>>> Your example below has two problems;
>>>>>> - it starts up a progress window while the user has to first fill in
>>>>>> stuff in the dialog, so no work is done at that point (only after
>>>>>> pushing start button on the dialog)
>>>>>> - I do not have the monitor instance yet
>>>>>> Andrea
>>>>>> Jesse Eichar probaly wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi Andrea.  I think we need more of your intentions.  So usually if you
>>>>>>> are running with a progress monitor you are NOT in the Display thread so
>>>>>>> you can't do any UI stuff, much like Swing.  Second that method has a
>>>>>>> bug so the progress monitor is currently hidden.  I will fix that bug.
>>>>>>>  For now use runInProgressDialog  So for your example you may want to
>>>>>>> do:
>>>>>>> final Runnable openMessage = new Runnable(){
>>>>>>> public void run(){
>>>>>>> MessageDialog dialog = new MessageDialog(new Shell(SWT.BORDER |
>>>>>>> "Warning", null, "Will I show up?",
>>>>>>> MessageDialog.WARNING, new String[]{"Ok"}, 0);
>>>>>>>       ;
>>>>>>>             }
>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>> IRunnableWithProgress operation = new IRunnableWithProgress(){
>>>>>>> public void run( IProgressMonitor monitor ) throws
>>>>>>> InvocationTargetException, InterruptedException {
>>>>>>> monitor.beginTask("Message!!!", 100);
>>>>>>> Display.getDefault().asyncExec( openMessage );
>>>>>>>         };
>>>>>>> runInProgressDialog( "Running my Operation", true, operation );
>>>>>>> Jesse
>>>>>>> On Apr 26, 2007, at 2:43 PM, Andrea Antonello wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi Jesse,
>>>>>>>> I think I really miss a piece of the truth...
>>>>>>>> Reduced to the minimum, I now only try to launch a messagedialog from
>>>>>>>> within the run method of the  AbstractActionTool retrieved from the
>>>>>>>> tools extention point. It is really few code:
>>>>>>>> IRunnableWithProgress runner = new IRunnableWithProgress(){
>>>>>>>> public void run( IProgressMonitor monitor ) throws
>>>>>>>> InvocationTargetException, InterruptedException {
>>>>>>>> monitor.beginTask("Message!!!", 100);
>>>>>>>> MessageDialog dialog = new MessageDialog(new Shell(SWT.BORDER |
>>>>>>>> SWT.DIALOG_TRIM),
>>>>>>>> "Warning", null, "Will I show up?",
>>>>>>>> MessageDialog.WARNING, new String[]{"Ok"}, 0);
>>>>>>>>       ;
>>>>>>>>             }
>>>>>>>>         };
>>>>>>>> This gives the usual error of invealid thread access. What is wrong
>>>>>>>> here?
>>>>>>>> If I use the runBlockingOperation method it is worse, nothing shows up.
>>>>>>>> Any idea?
>>>>>>>> Andrea
>>>>>>>> Jesse Eichar probaly wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>>> Display widgets can only be modified in the display thread.  Take a
>>>>>>>>> look
>>>>>>>>> at the methods is PlatformGIS for a bunch of help with regards to
>>>>>>>>> threading.
>>>>>>>>> As mentioned Jobs start up a new thread and allow progress to be
>>>>>>>>> monitored.  If you set the job's setUser( true ) then the progress
>>>>>>>>> dialog will open.  Remember that you have to update UI components
>>>>>>>>> in the
>>>>>>>>> Display thread.  Display.asyncExec for example.
>>>>>>>>> Jesse
>>>>>>>>> On Apr 23, 2007, at 6:40 AM, Andrea Antonello wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Thanks for your reply Zlatko,
>>>>>>>>>> I tried also the Job way, but I get the same Invalid Thread Access
>>>>>>>>>> exception:
>>>>>>>>>> Job job = new Job("my job ") {
>>>>>>>>>>      protected IStatus run(IProgressMonitor monitor) {
>>>>>>>>>>            domyCodeWork()
>>>>>>>>>>            return Status.OK_STATUS;
>>>>>>>>>>         }
>>>>>>>>>>      };
>>>>>>>>>>   job.schedule();
>>>>>>>>>> Also the code you modified below doesn't work with the same error...
>>>>>>>>>> I'm really confused (and I'm rather new to RCP and SWT), sinced in my
>>>>>>>>>> opinion it happens often that you launch a dialog and while the
>>>>>>>>>> dialog
>>>>>>>>>> is there you do some work, without freezing the interface. But I
>>>>>>>>>> can't
>>>>>>>>>> find working examples.
>>>>>>>>>> In swing there was this SwingUtilities.invokelater that worked pretty
>>>>>>>>>> well.
>>>>>>>>>> I guess I 'm missing something of the deeper theory.
>>>>>>>>>> Isn't there in udig an Action that does something like that?
>>>>>>>>>> Andrea
>>>>>>>>>> Zlatko Perenda probaly wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>>>>> I did some asking around, this is what a friend of mine came up
>>>>>>>>>>> with....
>>>>>>>>>>> You have to implement a job, . You
>>>>>>>>>>> have
>>>>>>>>>>> run(IprogressMonitor pm) there, where you implement the method and
>>>>>>>>>>> change
>>>>>>>>>>> whatever you want through pm. You can add listeners if you want
>>>>>>>>>>> to do
>>>>>>>>>>> something after the job is done.
>>>>>>>>>>> And your code from first post, reworked some
>>>>>>>>>>> Display display = Display.getCurrent();
>>>>>>>>>>>             if (display == null)
>>>>>>>>>>>             {
>>>>>>>>>>>                 display = Display.getDefault();
>>>>>>>>>>>             }
>>>>>>>>>>>  display.asyncExec(new Runnableevent)
>>>>>>>>>>>                     {
>>>>>>>>>>>                         public void run()
>>>>>>>>>>>                         {
>>>>>>>>>>>>         IWorkbench wb = PlatformUI.getWorkbench();
>>>>>>>>>>>>         IProgressService ps = wb.getProgressService();
>>>>>>>>>>>>             ps.busyCursorWhile(new IRunnableWithProgress(){
>>>>>>>>>>>>                 public void run( IProgressMonitor pm ) {
>>>>>>>>>>>>                     doMyCodeWithMonitorActivity()
>>>>>>>>>>>>                 }
>>>>>>>>>>>>             });
>>>>>>>>>>>      }
>>>>>>>>>>>                     });
>>>>>>>>>>> I hope this helps....
>>>>>>>>>>> Zlatko.
>>>>>>>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>>>>>>>> From: Andrea Antonello [mailto:andrea.antonello@xxxxxxxxx]
>>>>>>>>>>> Sent: Monday, April 23, 2007 2:42 PM
>>>>>>>>>>> To: Zlatko Perenda
>>>>>>>>>>> Cc: 'User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS'
>>>>>>>>>>> Subject: Re: [udig-devel] how to start threads with monitor?
>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Zlatko,
>>>>>>>>>>> that is indeed what I am doing to make it work for now (the
>>>>>>>>>>> asyncExec I
>>>>>>>>>>> mean), but that doesn't supply my the so much loved monitor...
>>>>>>>>>>> Where do I get the monitor from?
>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>>>> Andrea
>>>>>>>>>>> Zlatko Perenda probaly wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Hm, seems like you are accesing UI thread, from another....
>>>>>>>>>>>> Try Display.asyncExec(runnable), and let runnable do the neccesary
>>>>>>>>>>>> work. I
>>>>>>>>>>>> think this should work.
>>>>>>>>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>>>>>>>>> From: udig-devel-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>>>>>>>>>>>> <mailto:udig-devel-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>>>>>>>>>>>> [mailto:udig-devel-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of
>>>>>>>>>>>> Andrea
>>>>>>>>>>>> Antonello
>>>>>>>>>>>> Sent: Monday, April 23, 2007 2:25 PM
>>>>>>>>>>>> To: User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS
>>>>>>>>>>>> Subject: [udig-devel] how to start threads with monitor?
>>>>>>>>>>>> I know this is more a rcp question than  a udig, but I'm not
>>>>>>>>>>>> able to
>>>>>>>>>>>> add
>>>>>>>>>>>> progress tracking to my actions.
>>>>>>>>>>>> The tool extention point doesn't supply a monitor and whenever I
>>>>>>>>>>>> try
>>>>>>>>>>>> somethin g like:
>>>>>>>>>>>>         IWorkbench wb = PlatformUI.getWorkbench();
>>>>>>>>>>>>         IProgressService ps = wb.getProgressService();
>>>>>>>>>>>>             ps.busyCursorWhile(new IRunnableWithProgress(){
>>>>>>>>>>>>                 public void run( IProgressMonitor pm ) {
>>>>>>>>>>>>                     doMyCodeWithMonitorActivity()
>>>>>>>>>>>>                 }
>>>>>>>>>>>>             });
>>>>>>>>>>>> I get an Invalid thread access exception.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Any hint?
>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks in advance,
>>>>>>>>>>>> Andrea
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>>>>>>>>>>>> User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS (uDig)
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>>>>>>>>>> User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS (uDig)
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>>>> User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS (uDig)

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