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[udig-devel] "Reset" action for catalog

Hey Jody,

I'm trying to understand what happens when the "Reset" menu entry gets
called on a PostGIS database catalog entry. That's led me to the 
class which lists you as a (the?) guilty party.

1) On line 72, what's the TEST: java construct? It looks like a case
statement but must be some 'named block' semantic.

2) Same line, why are we looping again over the IService since we are
already looping over the IService? Can the ServiceFactory really find
more than one IService with the same ID:ConnectionParmeter set? Would
this only be true in the case where we had just cloned a catalog entry
(possibly for later modification)?

3) There's a nasty warning in 
      URL id, Map<String, Serializable> params )
which should be fleshed out a little. What can go wrong? What should the
coder look out for?

4) Where is this method actually implemented? It seems to be the method
that should retry to connect to the database. Currently if uDig starts
and the user then launches the DBMS with the PostGIS Db, there is no way
to re-connect to the tables. Also, I am starting to believe that once we
loose a connection, the only way to re-establish it is to re-launch uDig
and that may not even work in all cases (I have not yet worked
exhaustively to discover the different scenarios and their

enough for now, thanks,

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