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Re: [udig-devel] get selected features

Selon Andrea Antonello <andrea.antonello@xxxxxxxxx>, 22.04.2007:

> I'm not sure if that was already asked, but I see that the examples do
> not feed my needs, so question:
> Is it possible to get the selected features from a layer.
> I mean I get the ILayer from the visible layers and am able to get the
> featurestore from that. But I would like to have just the selected features.

This is what I would do ::

   ILayer selectedLayer = handler.getContext().getSelectedLayer() ;
   FeatureCollection collection = null ;
   FeatureStore store = selectedLayer.getResource(
      FeatureStore.class, new SubProgressMonitor(monitor, 1)) ;
   collection = store.getFeatures(selectedLayer.getFilter()) ;
   FeatureIterator reader = collection.features() ;
   if (reader.hasNext()) {
      // process selected features

where handler is a ToolHandler, but you can get the selected layer from the
active map as well ::

   ApplicationGIS.getActiveMap().getEditManager().getSelectedLayer() ;


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