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Re: [udig-devel] postgis link to a unix soket rather than a port?

Hi Jesse ...

We are exploring a couple of new things for DataStore support - namely letting the DataStore use an already existing Java DataSource. I am not sure that the JDBC URL syntax supports the direct use of a socket.

Let me look,
- Has some background information (basically IP is used even if you are working with localhost)

Some entries on the wiki  look related to your question:

The examples were:
- jdbc:postgresql:///tmp:5432/template1
- jdbc:postgresql-unix:///path/to/socket/database

This is as much a question for the geotools list. Can this be done with the PostGIS datastore?


On Apr 5, 2007, at 3:34 AM, Adrian Custer wrote:

hey all,

exploring the connection of uDig <-> R via postgis. I've learned to make
a local database server tied to a socket:

pg_ctl -w -l $LOCAL_DB/log/server.log start -o "-c listen_addresses= -c

but how do I tie up uDig to that? All I see in uDig is the address:port

any hints?


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