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[udig-devel] What about MrSID format?

Hey all,

just trying to get a postgis database setup and getting stymied by the
uDig Import... dialog.

I've setup a database as follows (/soft/ is a giant scratchspace on my

1) as unix-user acuster I did:

setenv PATH ${PATH}:/usr/lib/postgresql/8.1/bin
setenv LOCAL_DB /soft/Db
setenv PGDATA ${LOCAL_DB}/data
setenv PGPORT 5454

2) let's make the database

createdb gisdb
createlang plpgsql gisdb
psql -d gisdb -f /usr/share/postgresql-8.1-postgis/lwpostgis.sql
psql -d gisdb -f /usr/share/postgresql-8.1-postgis/spatial_ref_sys.sql
psql gisdb < /soft/download/meuse_gis.sql

the meuse_gis.sql script is a pointlayer of chemical data that comes
standard with the spatial functions of the R statistics program.

3) let's start the postmaster

pg_ctl -w -l $LOCAL_DB/log/server.log start -o "-c listen_addresses=* -c
unix_socket_directory=$LOCAL_DB -p 5454"

==> now the postmaster is running, launched by user acuster, and when I
do a portscan i see that 5454 is open. so far so good.

4) let's connect with udig. uh, oh!

I'd like to import the database. so i right click on the catalog for the
context menu, select "Import..." and get the dialog, select Data ->
Postgis to get the Postigs dialog.

here things get weird. First i select localhost for the host, then
change 5432 to 5454, add user acuster (name of the database's superuser
who has created the the database and the table), add the password, hit
return. Then things get wierd. 

As soon as I type 'g' in the database field, uDig highlights the
'public' value in the schema field and locks all the input fields and
buttons except for the schema field, and the 'Advanced' and 'CANCEL'
buttons. So now uDig thinks i want the 'g' database which doesn't exist
and doesn't give me any way to modify the settings which are apparently
not working.

==> I'm really unsure what I'm doing wrong. I'm guessing there's an
internal step between the password and the database name fields where
uDig actually tries to connect to the database. This seems like it
should *not* happen silently behind the scenes but that the connection
attempt should be displayed loudly to the user with errors and/or
success being shown and with the user able to cancel the attempt without
canceling the dialog.

But perhaps I'm doing something way wrong. comments are welcome,


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