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Re: Problem with reusing a featuretype (was: Re: [udig-devel] two questions about using shapefiles for uncommon things)


The issue is not with your use of featuretype which is reasonable. 

The issue is with the in-memory data store, *Simple*MemoryDataStore. The
data store was made to be *very* simple, so simple that it is using the
featuretype to separate the different kinds of things it has in storage.
This implies a limitation: you can't create two resources with exactly
the same type. 

An easy solution is to keep the featuretype, changing only the name.
Another solution is to save each layer to disk as you make it before
putting another into the memory data store. Another solution is to write
your own "MyNotSoSimpleMemoryDataStore". Another ...   you get the idea.

--all the best

On Tue, 2007-03-27 at 12:00 +0200, tony.roth@xxxxxx wrote:
> HI. If it's the intention that one cannot reuse a featuretype in the
> way I tried, then it's ok. I just thought that a featuretype is
> nothing more than a pattern for features and a ressource a container
> for features of a certain type. 1:n relation instead of 1:1.
> @adrian: Yes I can save the first ressource, perhaps it's the best
> way.
> Thank you!
> tony roth
>         Von: Jesse Eichar jeichar@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 
>         What I was trying to say is that you can't have the same
>         resource  
>         twice in the same datastore,  if you change the name it is no
>         longer  
>         the same so you can change the name of the resource.
>         Jesse
>         On Mar 26, 2007, at 1:32 AM, Adrian Custer wrote:
>         > Hello,
>         >
>         > Yes, I think your second assumption is correct: you probably
>         can't
>         > create two resources with the same feature type in the
>         > SimpleMemoryDataStore. (I say "I think" because I'm
>         remembering this
>         > vaguely from some time ago.). However, Jesse or others will
>         confirm  
>         > this
>         > when they get to work West North American Coast time.
>         >
>         > Can you save the first resource to an in memory database or
>         to disk?
>         >
>         > --adrian
>         >
>         >
>         > On Mon, 2007-03-26 at 09:51 +0200, tony.roth@xxxxxx wrote:
>         >> Hi,
>         >> no, that's not correct. I create exactly one feature type
>         with the
>         >> name and then I want to create two resources (later: two
>         layer) of
>         >> this type. It's like
>         >>
>         >> FeatureTypeBuilder featureBuilder
>         >> = FeatureTypeBuilder.newInstance(myFeatureTypeName);
>         >> // ... add attributes to this type
>         >> FeatureType featureType = featureBuilder.getFeatureType();
>         >> resource =
>         >> CatalogPlugin.getDefault().getLocalCatalog 
>         >> ().createTemporaryResource(featureType);
>         >> resource2 =
>         >> CatalogPlugin.getDefault().getLocalCatalog 
>         >> ().createTemporaryResource(featureType);
>         >>
>         >> The second resource could not be build (see exception
>         below). Either
>         >> it is not allowed to create more than one resource of a  
>         >> featureType or
>         >> the implementaion in udig has a bug. I think it can be a
>         common
>         >> usecase to have different layer containing features of the
>         same
>         >> featuretype.
>         >>
>         >> tony roth
>         >>
>         >>
>         >>         Von: Jesse Eichar jeichar@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>         >>
>         >>         Hi Tony,
>         >>
>         >>         I think that the problem is that the two feature
>         types have
>         >>         the same
>         >>         name so the second can't be created.
>         >>
>         >>         Try something like:
>         >>
>         >>         FeatureTypeBuilder builder=new
>         FeatureTypeBuilder();
>         >>         builder.importType( oldType );
>         >>         builder.setName( "newname" );
>         >>         builder.getFeatureType();
>         >>
>         >>         Jesse
>         >>
>         >>
>         >>         On Mar 23, 2007, at 9:08 AM, tony.roth@xxxxxx
>         wrote:
>         >>
>         >>>
>         >>>
>         >>>> Von: Jesse Eichar
>         >>>> On 20-Feb-07, at 4:38 AM, tony.roth@xxxxxx wrote:
>         >>>>> Hi list,
>         >>>>> in our project we are using jira plugins in our eclipse
>         >>         rcp
>         >>>>> application. It is used for the visualization of
>         >>         different
>         >>>>> facilities
>         >>>>> on a map. The map is delivered by a wms server, the
>         >>         facilities are
>         >>> stored
>         >>>>>  in a database (mysql). To show these facilities a
>         >>         temporary
>         >>>>> shape file
>         >>>>> is created. It was a funny thing writing mixed up big
>         and
>         >>         little
>         >>>>> endian
>         >>>>>  variables with java but finally it works :-) (yes, I
>         >>         suppose
>         >>>>> somewhere
>         >>>>>  an api / lib exists but.. where?)
>         >>>>> i) Is this the canonic way? Or is it somehow possible to
>         >>         create an
>         >>>>>  in-memory layer instead of writing a shape file?
>         >>>> There are code snippets for just this sort of thing at:
>         >>>>
>         >>>
>         >>> net.refractions
>         >>>> .udig.code.examples/src/net/refractions/udig/code/examples/
>         >>>
>         >>> I have a problem with reusing a generated featuretype:
>         >>>
>         >>> At first I create the featuretype (this is done exactly
>         >>         once):
>         >>>
>         >>> FeatureTypeBuilder featureBuilder =
>         >>> FeatureTypeBuilder.newInstance(myFeatureTypeName);
>         >>>
>         >>
>         featureBuilder.addType(AttributeTypeFactory.newAttributeType
>         >>> ("geometry",
>         >>> Point.class,true, Integer.MAX_VALUE, null,
>         >>> DefaultGeographicCRS.WGS84));
>         >>>
>         >>         featureBuilder.addType 
>         >> (AttributeTypeFactory.newAttributeType("foo",
>         >>> String.class, true, Integer.MAX_VALUE));
>         >>>
>         >>         featureBuilder.addType 
>         >> (AttributeTypeFactory.newAttributeType("bar",
>         >>> String.class, true, Integer.MAX_VALUE));
>         >>> FeatureType featureType = featureBuilder.getFeatureType();
>         >>>
>         >>>
>         >>> then I create the ressource:
>         >>>
>         >>> resource =
>         >>>
>         >>         CatalogPlugin.getDefault().getLocalCatalog 
>         >> ().createTemporaryResource
>         >>> (featureType);
>         >>>
>         >>>
>         >>> I itereate through a list of values and add features to
>         the
>         >>         ressource:
>         >>>
>         >>> GeometryFactory fac = new GeometryFactory();
>         >>> FeatureStore fs = resource.resolve(FeatureStore.class,
>         >>         null);
>         >>>
>         >>> for (ListItem item : list) {
>         >>>  Coordinate pointCoordinate = new Coordinate(item.get...);
>         >>>  Point point = fac.createPoint(pointCoordinate);
>         >>>  String foo = item.get...
>         >>>  String bar = item.get...
>         >>>  Feature feature = featureType.create(new
>         >>         Object[]{point,foo,bar});
>         >>>  fs.addFeatures(DataUtilities.collection(new
>         >>         Feature[]{feature}));
>         >>> }
>         >>>
>         >>> finally I create the layer
>         >>> LayerFactory layerFactory = map.getLayerFactory();
>         >>> Layer layer = layerFactory.createLayer(resource);
>         >>> ...
>         >>>
>         >>> This works and the layer is shown in the map
>         >>>
>         >>> Later the application tries to create a new layer based on
>         >>         a
>         >>> resource of
>         >>> this featuretype. It starts with
>         >>> resource =
>         >>>
>         >>         CatalogPlugin.getDefault().getLocalCatalog 
>         >> ().createTemporaryResource
>         >>> (featureType);
>         >>>
>         >>> (like above) but I get an exception:
>         >>>
>         >>> java.lang.RuntimeException
>         >>>  at
>         >>>
>         >>>
>         >>          
>         >>
>         net.refractions.udig.catalog.internal.CatalogImpl.createTemporaryReso 
>         >> u
>         >>> rce(
>         >>>
>         >>>  at ... the row with [resource = CatalogPlugin....] (see
>         >>         above)
>         >>>
>         >>> Caused by: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: Schema
>         >>> modification not
>         >>>  supported
>         >>>  at
>         >>>
>         >>> (
>         >>>
>         >>>  at
>         >>>
>         >>>
>         >>          
>         >>
>         net.refractions.udig.catalog.memory.internal.TemporaryResourceFactory 
>         >> .
>         >>> createResource(
>         >>>
>         >>>  at
>         >>>
>         >>>
>         >>          
>         >>
>         net.refractions.udig.catalog.internal.CatalogImpl.createTemporaryReso 
>         >> u
>         >>> rce(
>         >>>
>         >>>  ... 54 more
>         >>>
>         >>> What am I doing wrong? I'm not modifyfing the featureType
>         >>         any more,
>         >>> I just
>         >>> want to create a new (a second) ressource based on the
>         >>         featureType.
>         >>> Isn't
>         >>> it possible?
>         >>> In
>         >>>
>         >>          
>         >>
>         net.refractions.udig.catalog.memory.internal.TemporaryResourceFactory 
>         >> .
>         >>> createResource
>         >>>  udig wants to update the featureType but it seems to be
>         not
>         >>         allowed.
>         >>>
>         >>> thanks for any help,
>         >>> tony roth
>         >>>
>         >>> ps At the moment we are using UDIG 1.1 RC8 in our project.
>         >>>
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