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Re: [udig-devel] uDig on Vista ... GDI just say no :-D

Apparently it may be related to OpenGL driver: (from Javalobby)
It's related to OpenGL usage. You may need to download an OpenGL driver from Khronos that is native Vista compatible, otherwise it will an old non-Vista aware OpenGL driver which I've heard disables the Vista compositing stuff. You either have to uninstall your 3D card specific OpenGL driver and let the default MS Vista OpenGL->DirectX wrapper work, or, you need a new Vista approved OpenGL ICD.

It's not Java specific. Any OpenGL app that is windowed and not full screen will cause the problem. I think only NVidia offers a beta ICD driver for Vista that is compatible with Aero.

Jody Garnett wrote:
I have uDig working on vista now - great job with the installer.

A couple of gotcha's remain:
- having to let the help application open a port (requires administrator password) - visualizing any WMS makes use of some GDI operating system calls - that forces vista into a "safe" mode where transparency is shut off

Here is the message:

The color scheme has been changed to Windows Vista Basic
A running program isn't compatible with certaint visual elements of Windows. Click here for more information.

It may be that changing the JRE will clear this up; since the SWT code was doing just fine before the first map opened up.

User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS (uDig)

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