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[udig-devel] Working with IndexedFeatureResults

Hi udiggers ....

Anyone working with IndexedFeatureResults?

We are working with polygonal layers containing near 500 features. We
try to minimize the access time to calculate several visitors, for
example AverageVisitor, SumVisitor or MaxVisitor. The lowest time is got
applying IndexedFeatureResults to localize the features of this layers.
Even so, we have noticed that Eclipse executing in computer with near
1Gb of memory has no problems but executing fails at the time of
aplication installing in some computers with the same amount of memory
(Its throws Java Heap Exception!!).  

Obviously, the time we can use habitual FeatureResults or
FeatureCollection but the time is longer, near double. Is there an
alternative in Geotools to index or improve the acces to this kind of
Feature Results?

For example, running 

PD: Its seems that setting others values of memory at udig.ini doesn't
works too.

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