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Re: [udig-devel] Google SoC ideas page ...

Jody Garnett wrote:
For todays GeoServer meeting today we hunted down "our friend frank" (tm) to ask how the Google Summer of Code administration/organization side of things is progressing this year.

Here is the link:

Last year Refractions was pleased to play this roll; and we were just about to do so again. There is a trade off here (a gamble) OSGeo may get five slots; and then need to select activities for them from a larger body of projects. Refractions only got two slots last year for example ... we need to figure out how and if we would like to participate. And then decide on a horse to bet on.

This year's uDig ideas page:

*Please* have a look, and toss in any ideas you may have. Feel free to rearrange, etc (this page is starting with our ideas from last year).

Organizationally, does JGrass want to be part of uDig or start its own ideas page?


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