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[udig-devel] WMS reprojection fixes

Hey guys,

I found a few spare cycles today and finished up the fixes on WMS client-side reprojection

In short, when the server does not support the Coordinate Reference System you are currently in, uDig will make the request in a CRS the server supports, and reprojects it on the fly to your current CRS.

On trunk:
Significant refactoring of the BasicWMSRenderer2 class, using the much improved code on geotools trunk.

On 1.1.x:
The code from trunk with some hacks applied to make it work with the new geotools code. Improved image reprojection (worldimage, etc).

For both trunk and 1.1.x, a very accurate depiction of the image is drawn. The only (known) problem remaining is when we encounter an anomoly in one of the two coordinate reference systems (usually the north pole for WGS84 -- when you walk off the end of the world).

Anyone care to have a look and see if things are working as desired?

You can do you own build from the 1.1.x branch, or wait for tonight's nightly build in a few hours:


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