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[udig-devel] Problem exporting MultiPolygon(GeometryCollections) to Shapefile

Hi, list.

First of all, happy new year!!!

To continue, we have an exporting problem...

1) There is a MemoryLayer with a MultiPolygon GeometryType
2) We need to export this layer to a shapefile
3) Using the Export Wizard, nothing happen

Shoulders to the wheel!:
Debugging the uDig code, we find the class CatalogExport, which contains an internal CatalogExportWizard class.
This internal class has the method performFinish to realize the effective export of a layer and, I think, it has the problem...

We could see [lines 198-231] that only the GeometryTypes (Point, Line and Polygon) will be exported...and all the GeometryCollection types will be omitted.

I thought that MultiPolygon extends Polygon class, but inspecting the JTS Geometry hierarchy we find:

    +---------> GeometryCollection
     |                    +----------> MultiLineString
     |                    +----------> MultiPoint
     |                    +----------> Multipolygon
    +---------> LineString
    +---------> Point
    +---------> Polygon

And, obviously, the cast (Polygon) discard the MultiPolygon GeometryType...

It's right?

(We are trying SDK 1.1.0-RC8)

Un saludo
Javier Cámara
Subdirección de Integración de Sistemas
E.P. Desarrollo Agrario y Pesquero
c/Bergantín, 39 - 41012 Sevilla.  España

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