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[udig-devel] Re: 3 issues to be discussed/fixed/considered/..

Firstly members should be implemented so that it loads as fast as possible.  The current implementation is not necessarily the best.  If there is a way to make it load quicker then that would be great.  Second it is important to try to have the children of the the server be named:
This is because it can lookup resources of this form much quicker.

Feel free to optimize the members() method.


On 8-Jan-07, at 10:21 AM, Vitali Diatchkov wrote:

3) This issue relates to concurrent

List<IResolve>  CatalogImpl.find(URL ) call.

This method is called from Layer.getGeoResources() when IGeoResource is not

yet created. 

CatalogImpl.find(URL ) finds firstly in CONNECTED services, then in


Imagine we have OracleServiceImpl and we have only CONNECTED or NOTCONNECTED

states. There is a map with 3 layers from Oracle database, so 3

IGeoResources are requested to be found in CatalogImpl simultaneously from

different threads during opening MapEditor with this map (initial call comes

from Layer.getGeoResources()). 


Layer1 (IGeoResource1)

Layer2 (IGeoResource2)

Layer3 (IGeoResource3)

First attempt to get members of the service is a blocking call, especially

in case of database when DataStore is created. The concurrent call of

CatalogImpl.find(URL ) causes that sometimes IGeoResource is not found and

the Layer is marked as a broken. I thought because of tricky

CatalogImpl.find(URL ) algorithm, but seems it does not.

CatalogImpl.find(URL ) uses getChildById(..) method that iterates through

members. My suspicion falls onto OracleServiceImpl.members(..) method:

    public List<OracleGeoResource> members( IProgressMonitor monitor )

throws IOException {


    if(members == null){



            if(members == null){

                    getDS(monitor); // load ds

                    members = new LinkedList<OracleGeoResource>();

                    String[] typenames = ds.getTypeNames();


                    for(int i=0;i<typenames.length;i++){









        return members;


members list is created, but filled after ds.getTypeNames() that is a

time-consuming call. During this time OracleServiceImpl.members() from other

threads returns empty but already created List instance and the caller is

unable to find IGeoResource.

May be fix for members() method is a right solution of underlying problem?

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