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Re: [udig-devel] Something strange with map rendering

Jesse Eichar ha scritto:
Good research thanks for that Andrea. I think the issue is that the RenderManager controls when the display is updated (which is ever 1 second). I should be able to fix this issue by updating the screen when the data is finished being render irregardless of whether the 1 second has been reached.

Yup, good idea. Yet, I think even more strange is that fixed 500ms delay
between clicks and rendering start operation. It' just as annoying I guess. I've compared a little with QGIS rendering times on the same layers. With the full layer displayed, QGIS seems a little slower (did not measure, just gut feeling), but when zoomed in it's instant (that is, less than 300ms) whilst uDig still takes 1.2 sec

I believe quick map rendering on small data sets goes a long way in
choosing a data display app. I think people won't try uDig on big ones
if it feels slow already with smallish ones (the first you try out
I guess).


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