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[udig-devel] [GeoWidgets] IMPORTANT: Project renamed to GISWidgets

Hi, GeoTools community, hi uDiggers and all.

At Christmas I got notice that a commercial GIS library has chosen the name GeoWidgets as well and also got the domain. (Yes, it is my fault I did not claim it earlier.)

As a result of this I have chosen to rename the project to GISWidgets, which seems (at least currently) not yet being used by another project. I hope this time I've got it right: You will find the renamed project's homepage under
 - (but NOT, which is just advertising)
 - and

The project page has been update to reflect the latest status, and so has everything, the SVN, the documentation, the source code etc.

The source code can be checked out at:
for the (currently) three subprojects and
for the utility library.
(Please be sure to use the giswidgets.svn.~ server, not just svn.~, since the latter does not allow for SVN:move/copy.)
A test checkout/clean/compile with Eclipse3.2 was successful for me.

The SVN now includes most of the SWT/JFace widgets I have created too.
There is, however, no "release" so far in the GISWidgets project.

Please remember, that Java6 is required, which brought some improvements and fixes for Swing. Also note that the base packages have been renamed to "org.giswidgets" to reflect the new project name.

I hope you will find that you can continue to use - and possibly even contribute to - GISWidgets. If not, just drop me a note or use the SourceFourge tracker to tell me your improvement suggestions.

I plan to switch the "old" GeoWidgets SourceForge project inactive around February or when the next milestone (1.0.M2) has been released for GISWidgets.

P.S. Please forgive me for not telling you earlier, but I wanted to have everything confirmed and working before telling anybody to switch their SVN etc.
Matthias Basler

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