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AW: AW: [udig-devel] Shapefiles, marks and zoom

Jesse, thank you for your support. Finally I found the cause for my 2nd problem myself (the one with marks shown only in certain scales):
The shapefiles created in my program always have the same name, but different contents. So when I used one in uDIG, created another one (with the same name), showed that new one, I got that problem, because
  I did not delete the .qix and .fix files!
Because of this, uDIG showed the (new) marks correctly for certain scales and had to fail after a certain zoom in.
That's what I learnt: Delete the qix and fix files when modifying the shapefile!
PS: Jesse, I'll send you to xml files (together with the shapefile) by mail as the original problem (all marks shown, but only one gif file) still exists.

Von: udig-devel-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:udig-devel-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] Im Auftrag von Jesse Eichar
Gesendet: Montag, 6. November 2006 18:37
An: User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS
Betreff: Re: AW: [udig-devel] Shapefiles, marks and zoom

You can email me an example of your shapefile and I can look into it.  But please email it to me personally and not to the list.  jeichar@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx



On 6-Nov-06, at 2:06 AM, Schneider, Michael wrote:

thank you for the quick replies to my questions and for the sld file. The only diff in your file to the one I was using is the path to the image. As the problems appear even when not using a sld file at all, but when using the Simple style in the style editor I think that I have problems with the dbf file which must be there using shapefiles.
As mentioned before I create the shp and shx by my program. The ESRI documentation about shapefiles does not say much about the dBase file. Therefore I used and modified an existing dbf file (which I got together with another shapefile).
Using uDIG with a shapefile, index file, and dbf file from another source no such problems occur.
So I think this is not a problem of the sld file, but with my dbf file. (Does anybody know more about how that file has to look like?)
But why does this only happen at a certain scale: Zooming in the marks disappear at a certain scale, zooming out, they reappear exactly when crossing the same scale?
Perhaps I should have a closer look to org.geotools.

Von: udig-devel-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:udig-devel-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] Im Auftrag von Jesse Eichar
Gesendet: Freitag, 3. November 2006 18:33
An: User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS
Betreff: Re: [udig-devel] Shapefiles, marks and zoom

Use my SLD as a template and let me know if you still have problems.  I tried it out and it seems to be working.  


On 3-Nov-06, at 6:07 AM, Schneider, Michael wrote:

Hi again,
in addition to my mail some hours ago I found that I also have problems when using sld:Mark (see my earlier mail) or when I do not use any sld file at all:
  The marks disappear when zooming in to a certain amount.
This is part of the sld file I'm using, so that should not be the reason:
The scale when the marks disappear is not always the same for a certain set of marks. One time all marks disappear when zooming in deeper than 1:2 Mio., another time they disappear not before zooming in to 1:750000.
I also noticed that the marks disappear during panning when because of panning the zoom reaches the above mentioned value.
All that happens even when I only have 1 mark.
I did not see anything about that in the shapefile specs. I specify a bounding box with x and y set, but z and M (measure) set to 0. And ZoomToLayer works fine for the shapefile layer.
Is there anything to pay attention at with respect to the dbf file? What else might be wrong with me?
Any hints welcome, cheers


Von: udig-devel-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:udig-devel-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] Im Auftrag von Schneider, Michael
Gesendet: Freitag, 3. November 2006 10:31
An: User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS
Betreff: [udig-devel] Shapefiles and sld:ExternalGraphic


I'm using uDIG 1.1 RC4 and in my program I create a shapefile of type MultiPoint (shape type 8). Using this shapefile with uDIG works fine as long as I use a sld file with sld:Mark: All of my about 50 points are shown.

But when I try to use a sld file with sld:ExternalGraphic only 1 of those is shown although more than 1 are in the range of the viewport. When that one currently shown is not in the viewport anymore (because of panning or zooming in) another one is shown. But as I said always only 1 at a time is displayed.

Here are the diffs of the two sld files:

Vergleichen von (<)D:\Projekte\uDIG\data\pin.sld (2310l Byte)
 mit (>)D:\Projekte\uDIG\data\hits.sld (3959l Byte)

<                             <sld:ExternalGraphic>
<                                 <sld:OnlineResource xmlns:xlink="" xlink:type="simple" xlink:href=""file:/D:/Projekte/uDIG/data/pin.gif">file:/D:/Projekte/uDIG/data/pin.gif"/>

<                                 <sld:Format>image/gif</sld:Format>
<                             </sld:ExternalGraphic>
>                             <sld:Mark>
>                                 <sld:WellKnownName>x</sld:WellKnownName>
>                                 <sld:Fill>
>                                     <sld:CssParameter name="fill">
>                                         <ogc:Literal>#FF0000</ogc:Literal>
>                                     </sld:CssParameter>
>                                     <sld:CssParameter name="fill-opacity">
>                                         <ogc:Literal>0.75</ogc:Literal>
>                                     </sld:CssParameter>
>                                 </sld:Fill>
>                                 <sld:Stroke>
>                                     <sld:CssParameter name="stroke">
>                                         <ogc:Literal>#000000</ogc:Literal>
>                                     </sld:CssParameter>
>                                     <sld:CssParameter name="stroke-linecap">
>                                         <ogc:Literal>butt</ogc:Literal>
>                                     </sld:CssParameter>
>                                     <sld:CssParameter name="stroke-linejoin">
>                                         <ogc:Literal>miter</ogc:Literal>
>                                     </sld:CssParameter>
>                                     <sld:CssParameter name="stroke-opacity">
>                                         <ogc:Literal>1.0</ogc:Literal>
>                                     </sld:CssParameter>
>                                     <sld:CssParameter name="stroke-width">
>                                         <ogc:Literal>2.0</ogc:Literal>
>                                     </sld:CssParameter>
>                                     <sld:CssParameter name="stroke-dashoffset">
>                                         <ogc:Literal>0.0</ogc:Literal>
>                                     </sld:CssParameter>
>                                 </sld:Stroke>
>                             </sld:Mark>
<                                 <ogc:Literal>75.0</ogc:Literal>
>                                 <ogc:Literal>20.0</ogc:Literal>

Any hints where I do something wrong?


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User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS (uDig)

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