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Re: [udig-devel] uDig features

Hi Aileen, I have evaluated uDig 3 weeks ago, our objective was "Editing 
Tools". and I can resolve part of your questions. The existing edition 
features are in development and many new features require to be developed. 
Nowadays, our enterprise are in inception phase to develop the following 
features: buffer, split, merge, parallels, trim.

We evaluated many product thinking in technical features and maintenance 
costs, we think that uDig project will delivery a competitive product.


Mauricio Pazos

Axios Engineering
e-mail: maurcio.pazos@xxxxxxxx
tel-:+34 94 441 63 84
fax: +34-94 441 64 90

On Friday 01 September 2006 08:55, Aileen Baylon wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm a new member of this list and I just would like to know if uDig has the
> following features. If it has, please put a mark on it so that I would know
> if the feature is available or not. Many thanks!
> coordinates extraction
> -scheduled extraction of x,y,coordinates from a data source
> -output file saving in a separate table with info on cell
> id,mobtel,x,y,coordinates,date,time -manual extraction of x,y,coordinates
> -multiple ping location query in an interval (locate this 10 times in a
> minute) -scheduled interval ping location of numbers (locate this once
> every 2 hours)
> plotting
> -plot multiple points from text file upload
> -import data from other sources
> -combine data from different sources in the same map window -*from
> different layers? -get coordinate by setting a point in map
> -show historical locations
> -view info associated with a particular point
> buffers
> -create buffer
> -set radius, unit of measure (created buffer customizable by radius and
> smoothness, radius by value or formula, smoothness by no of segments in the
> circle buffer, minimum of 3) -creation of buffer in a single object - ???
> -creation of buffer for all selected objects/multiple object
> -creation of buffer around one or more objects,tool computing aggregated
> values(for concentric ring buffer)
> thematic mapping
> -thematic mapping(shades,colors,fill patterns,symbol,bar and pie
> charts,grids) -all items having unique value are assigned with a color or
> symbol(individual values thematic map) -group all records into ranges and
> assign each range a color,symbol or line(ranged thematic map) -use symbols
> to represent each value(graduates symbols map)
> -use dots to represent data value associated to a boundary(dot density map
> with customizable scale of dots) -bar chart for every map object with
> numerical value.chart should be customizable(color,frame.width,etc),all
> types of bar charts should be available -pie chart (same as bar chart)
> -bivariate thematic map,combination of 2 thematic maps layered.should be
> available for 1. two ranged maps and 2. one ranged map and one individual
> value map
> legends
> -automatic creation of legends for thematic maps and other layers.legends
> must be editable and can be deleted -manual create edit and delete of
> legends
> graphs
> -create graphs
>  -bar graph(clustered/percent/stacked)
>  -column graph(clustered/percent/stacked)
>  -histogram(historical/vertical)
>  -line graph(clustered/percent/stacked)
>  -pie graph(normal pie/ring pie)
>  -scatter graph
>  -surface graph(normal surface/surface with sides/honeycombed)
>  -3d graph(3d version of the graphs above)
> -edit graph by color,size
> general equipments
> -degree converter
> -distance calculator
> -support for multiple file types (xls,doc,html,xml,txt,csv,email)
> drawing and editing tools
> -draw and modify object on the map
> -input text (customizable font, color, type)
> -add custom symbol
> -positioning/moving and sizing map object
> -rotate objects by specific angle
> -insert OLE Object in map
> -insert textbox in map
> reporting
> -generate and customize reports
> changing map styles
> -change region style(color,border)
> -change line style(color,width,pattern)
> -change text style(font,size,effects,color,background)
> printing and exporting
> -print layouts and export to files
> workspace
> -reviewing window (display of different windows)
> -browser window(tree view) -?
> Maria

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