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[udig-devel] Re: Intros ... ie an FM victim

Bryce L Nordgren wrote:
John Reid <sdiowl@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote on 07/25/2006 09:02:18 AM:
Guess I should start by introducing myself properly :-)  My name's
John Reid.
Welcome aboard!
Taa :-)
Hmmm... a _graphical_ modeling tool, or an Ecore adapter?
Bryce, you nailed it.  From a quick initial read of docs I think
I'll need both.  My initial idea was to:
1. Define a UML profile for geographic features
2. Use a (possibly customized) heavy-weight UML 2.0 graphical
modeling tool to do the hard work.  I'm currently looking at Visual UML
3. Use XMI and UML 2.0 Diagram Interchange files for native model
persistence and publishing
4. Provide adapters to read/write ISO compliant XML schemas
I'm getting lost in terminology.  This happens to me a lot.  :)
Know that feeling :)
1] My understanding is that the UML encoding of Geographic features was
handed to us from on high in 19109, Clause 8 (I think).  Are you talking
about drawing out the required UML (e.g. '107, '108, '111, '112, '115...)
in a specific UML tool?
I think these would be handled as UML packages stored in XMI fragments that could be imported into the model by the tool (19109 Fig. 9).  A customized editor would probably import some packages (e.g. 19107) automatically upon creation of a new model.
  Or are you talking about something else when you
say a "profile"?  Perhaps drawing out a particular subset of '107, etc.
By profile I am referring to the UML extension mechanisms.  From the bible (UML Reference Manual):
"Extensions are organized into profiles. A profile is a coherent set of extensions applicable to a given domain or purpose. ... The extensibility mechanisms are stereotypes, tagged values, and constraints.  ... A profile is a package that identifies a subset of an existing base metamodel ... and defines stereotypes and constraints that may be applied to the selected metamodel subset."

So we would have the stereotype <<application schema>> applied to packages in the model.  GF_FeatureType would be defined as a stereotype <<geographic feature>> on classes, GF_SpatialAttributeType as <<spatial>> on an attribute etc.

Apparently it is possible to define additional classes at the metamodel level in a profile, however I'm hoping that the stereotype approach should enable the use of UML tools without any customizations to diagram editors and ???  Fingers crossed :-)
2&3 ] Bravo!
4] ? Which ISO compliant XML schemas?  GML 3.2.0 / ISO 19139?
I'm going to cross those bridges when I come to them.  It would be nice if that problem just disappeared.  XMI can be used to create schemas from a model and encode objects.  Wouldn't it be nice if we didn't have to worry about specialized formats and just use one that someone else has written the codecs for...  Oh well.
Beware of the GT/GeoAPI Feature Model.  You may get some data which is not
strictly ISO compliant (making it difficult to encode it in an ISO
compliant way.)  Jody insisted on allowing for non-OGC non-ISO features
merely because customers generate all manner of garbage XML and he's afraid
to call them wrong.  :)  Due to much whining on my part, they made
allowances for people who play by the rules, but I think this is optional.
It has been a while since I looked at the Feature Model.  I suggest you
examine it to ensure that you can extract an appropriate guarantee that
feature schema you receive will be encode-able...Pay particular attention
to duplicate feature attributes.  Jody, can you direct this fine young man
to the ISO subset of the feature model?

Also beware of GML.  Making an XML schema seems to invite people to
disregard all else.  The XML Schema for GML permits more than is allowed by
the text of the GML standard, and also more than is allowed by the data
model GML is supposed to represent.  People will argue that anything that
validates against the schema should be considered "legal" even if it
conflicts with the text of the GML standard or the model that GML encodes.
You're going to have to defend your #4 from incorrect allegations of it
being broken and resist the temptation to break your codec for everyone
just because someone has produced or needs to receive data which is broken
in a specific way.  Down that road lies madness.
And here was I thinking I was already there ;-)  Isn't that a prerequisite for working on feature models ;-)
Not that I have any strong feelings on the issue. :) Nope not me.

I had hoped that a direct mapping could be established between a UML
profile and ISO 19109, however I'm now unsure if this is possible.
At least not with the "natural" way to use UML profiles...  It looks
like an additional layer will be needed to map from the Eclipse UML2
model to the GeoAPI interfaces and 4) can be handled by the
Geotools/uDig implementation of these interfaces.
Again, I'm not sure I understand the word profile in this context.

I think Eclipse UML2 would only be necessary because you want to use UML2.0
Diag. Int. Files.  Ecore is much smaller and I'm nearly certain it contains
everything required to be ISO compliant (including references, inheritance,
etc.)  Is there a converter between the two?  The only reason I mention it
is because Coverages are being built as Ecore models, which should
kickstart your profileing.
I'm looking at UML because I hope that a stock standard UML modeling tool can be used, either straight out of the box or with minimal customizations.  I'm not sure what the relationship is between the UML2 project and Ecore.  AFAIK Ecore is based on a subset of MOF 1.x whereas UML 2.x and MOF 2.X share a common core infrastructure.  I do recall reading somewhere that a UML -> Ecore -> UML results in a loss of information, and I think stereotypes might be one of the victims.
The next two paragraphs are intended to convince you that you need to
declare your scope before it explodes. :) Don't get discouraged!  I want to
see UML schema representations happen!!

How do you intend to handle Operations?  When a geographic feature is
specified to have some sort of behavior, how do you want to match it up
with a local version of code in the current environment?  Can't code it in
Not yet anyway.  Algorithms could be documented using the documentation tag.  I can't see any other approach for the time being.  Someone out there might have a brilliant solution, but I'm just learning to crawl ;-)
More generally, say you have a shapefile containing roads which came from
some random source.  Separately, you have an ISO compliant Roads schema
which you have been working with (maybe even coding against: routing
algorithms and whatnot.)  Can you map the feature attributes in your
shapefile to identically-defined "standard" attributes in the Roads schema,
thereby making all your hard "routing" work available to you?
Reverse engineering of models has me scared.  Again I'm going to worry about that one further down the road.  Or it can be someone else's headache...  IIRC the OMG's Common Warehouse Metamodel defines a thesaurus-like feature for mapping concepts.  I think ISO JTC1 SC32 WG2 is in the process of defining similar functionality.  However at the moment I think the ability to publish models and provide the capability to create datastores from a given application schema is the priority.

Thanks for your illuminating feedback :-)


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