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Re: [Geotools-devel] [udig-devel] Throughts on catalog api

Justin Deoliveira wrote:
I beleive I just did. However I am refering to the geotools catalog not the udig one.
Justin if we can keep these in sync? The last thing I want to do is maintain two ... right now we have 3. Consolidation is good.
Not sure about making them mutable, I would rather they were a nice view of information already maintained by the "data source" (say in a header or a metadata header), and such things are not always changeable - but perhaps an "override" should be allowed? Things like publisher or abstract come from first GeoServer needs (think of GeoServer's FeatureTypeInfo class ) and then the "dublin core" metadata standard, and are very useful when searching...

So mutable, if you can get me an "info" interface at the same level as DataStore. Publisher & Abstract - heck yes.
Sorry, this rant didn't quite make sense to me. How is the "override" acheived?
Okay so I am not sure if what you need to do? Lets try again ...
- Do you intend to edit the metadata (and have it stored back to say the oracle metadata tables)? - Do you intend to override the metadata (and have say the bounding box "override" some incorrect values from a WMS)?

As for how these things are achived, we can play the same kind of lazy loading or interceptor beans that Eclipse or Spring does. Return an GeoResourceInfo object that returns cached, or locally modified values, and then compare and contrast with real data fetched in a lazy fashion for the real data source.

Note that some datastores already have "api" for effecting metadata ... oracle datastore and shapefile are the two I know of. But there is no unified solution, but I imagine a mutable Dublin or ISO interface could be provided.

Not sure this rant is much better, get specific what exactly do you need. GeoTools used to have DataStoreInfo (mutable) that was created from DataStoreFactorySPI and opperated "beside"/"at the same level as" DataStore. The idea being that you may need the metadata before you need to access the data...

Note that most uDig GeoResoruceInfo implementations make use of custom DataStore in which the connection pool, or cached capabilities information has been made available via a public accessor...
My usecase was more along the lines of searching for handles which resolve to a specific object. Searching a complex tree of objects like the catalog screams visitor to me. Allows for more flexibility imho.
Afraid we cannot do this one, if it was a local catalog yes, but this interface should represent a remote catalog as well. The catalog spec (like WFS 1.1) allows for a getObject request that we could use to ask for an *exact* resource via an ID.

So this is a case where we need to think rather then be flexible.


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