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Re: [udig-devel] Exporting a .product configuration

Schmitt, Magna (CIP) wrote:
I have a new question. I was following the instruction in this tutorial to run only the neccesary plugins for uDig. But, I created another plugin to have a .product with the launch configuration and made an eclipse product .exe file but when I export this file I can't get an executable file.
Could you help me in this?
Hi Magna, Richard has been working on this exact problem :-)

We have identified some shortfalls with the current SDK Target Platform that prevent release (it needs language packs, and so on).
Richard has start on some additional instructions here:

And I started some notes here - before I got stuck:

Richard will have to tell us more ...

My understanding is that the following is needed:
1. a zip for your eclipse (mostly online help)
2. a zip for your uDig SDK (including extra stuff needed for release)

If you need to release today, you will need set up a normal udig development environment (svn checkout etc...) and then also import your projects plugins and features into your workspace. From there you can make a product like normal.


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