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Re: [udig-devel] Modifying zoom/selection behavior(s)


To get the map to repaint you can call
IMapDisplay display=map.getRenderManager().getMapDisplay();
if( display instanceof ViewportPane ){

This will cause the map to redraw all the draw commands.

On 3-Apr-06, at 12:51 PM, Jeffrey Bergamini wrote:

Thank you Jesse. That works when I resend the command or refresh the
map. Is there any way to call a re-render sort of op that doesn't
actually refresh the map data, but instead just redraws the layers?


On 3/31/06, Jesse Eichar <jeichar@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Draw Commands "live" until their isValid method returns false.  So
when you want to turn off/kill the command call setValid(false).  Or
override the isValid method to know when it is no longer needed.


On 30-Mar-06, at 1:03 AM, Jeffrey Bergamini wrote:

Hi again everybody,

The plugin development is going well (much of it thanks to your help),
but now I'm running into another lack-of-knowledge problem:

I want to display a toggleable grid over the current map that
illustrates the available tile boundaries as a navigation guide. I've
been able to get a Ctrl-Click to display the lines through calls to
like on the net.refractions.udig.tutorials.tool.coordinate tutorial.
However, these lines seem to live forever on the map, and I don't see
any obvious way of clearing them and/or temporarily disabling them.

Any suggestions? I could conceivably generate a grid layer on the WMS proxy, but it would make more sense in some ways to do it through the

User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS (uDig)

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