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RE: [udig-devel] Shapefiles

I added -consoleLog  as a program argument, I hope that was right. 
I did not notice anything from doing that. 
I could see not additional debugging in the consule view.

I added the code

	List geos = newLayer.getGeoResources();
	for (int j=0; j<geos.size(); j++) {

after map.sendCommandASync( (new AddLayerCommand(newLayer)) );

The output was:
	next resource=NullGeoResource(http://NULL)

Which I guess it should not be!

Does that help


-----Original Message-----
From: udig-devel-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:udig-devel-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Jesse
Sent: 20 March 2006 18:00
To: User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS
Subject: Re: [udig-devel] Shapefiles

The prj file is the file that declares what projection the data is  
in.  Currently the data is assumed to be WGS84 (Latitude/Longitude).

This isn't quite enough information.  could you run with -consoleLog on?
Also debug the method LayerImpl#getGeoResources() if you can.


On 20-Mar-06, at 6:14 AM, M.S.Bachler wrote:

> Hi Jesse!
> Your suggestion of adding the line:
> 	CatalogPlugin.getDefault().getLocalCatalog().add(service);
> Did not fix the problem.
> I still get the Layer with and x and the message: 'Connection to 
> Resource Failed' In the console I have:
> 	20-Mar-2006 13:44:15 
> openPrjReader
> 	WARNING: projection (.prj) for shapefile not available
> 	20-Mar-2006 13:44:15 
> openPrjReader
> 	WARNING: projection (.prj) for shapefile not available
> 	20-Mar-2006 13:44:15 
> buildQuadTree
> 	INFO: Creating spatial index for 
> /Eclipse/Ecosensus/Shapefiles/border-otter.shp
> Not sure if that helps you diagnose my problem?
> I am not sure what a .prj file is, or why it has not got one.
> Michelle
> -----Original Message-----
> From: udig-devel-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> [mailto:udig-devel-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of 
> M.S.Bachler
> Sent: 16 March 2006 12:59
> To: User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS
> Subject: RE: [udig-devel] Shapefiles
> Hi!
> I know can get the x,y which is great. Thanks.
> I have had a first attempt at creating a shapefile and adding a new 
> layer connecting to the shape file, for the first time you drop a 
> specific icon on a map (subsequent times you add it to an existing
> layer
> - which is the next step).
> I have pieced together code from various emails but still think I have

> not really got a complete picture of what I am doing. The code I have,

> creates a shape file (I can see the files are there), it also adds a 
> layer to the map (I can see the layer in the list), but it has an
> error
> - 'Connection to Resource Failed'.
> I am also not sure if the Point code is right?
> Here is my code: Any thoughts anyone about what I am doing wrong? (or 
> how I could simplify it?)
> try {
> 	IndexedShapefileDataStoreFactory fac = new 
> IndexedShapefileDataStoreFactory();
> 	File file2 = new
> File("Ecosensus"+EcosensusPlugin.sFS
> +"Shapefiles"+EcosensusPlugin.sFS+sF
> ileName+".shp");
> 	String sShapeFile = file2.getAbsolutePath();
> 	ShapefileDataStore ds = (ShapefileDataStore)
> URL("file://"+sShapeFile));
> 	try {
> 		AttributeType geomAttr = 
> AttributeTypeFactory.newAttributeType("the_geom", Point.class);
> 		FeatureType featureType =
> AttributeType[] {geomAttr}, "icon");
> 		GeometryFactory geomFactory = new GeometryFactory();
> 		Coordinate coord = new Coordinate(event.x, event.y);
> 		Point point = geomFactory.createPoint(coord);
> 		Feature theIcon = featureType.create(new Object[]
> {point}, "myicon");							
> 		ds.createSchema( featureType );
> 		List<IService> services = 
> CatalogPlugin.getDefault().getServiceFactory().acquire(new
> URL("file://"+sShapeFile));
> 		IService service = services.get(0);
> 		List resources = service.members(monitor);
> 		IGeoResource resource = (IGeoResource)resources.get(0);
> 		System.out.println("resource type = 
> "+resource.getClass().getName());
> 		Layer newLayer = factory.createLayer(resource);
> 		newLayer.setName(sFileName);
> 		map.sendCommandASync( (new AddLayerCommand(newLayer)) );
> 		DrawCommandFactory factory2 =
> 		DrawFeatureCommand cmd =
> factory2.createDrawFeatureCommand(theIcon, crs);
> 		map.sendCommandASync(cmd);
> 	} catch (IllegalAttributeException e) {
> 		System.out.println("IllegalAttributeException");
> 		e.printStackTrace();
> 	} catch(SchemaException se) {
> 		System.out.println("SchemaException");
> 		se.printStackTrace();
> 	}
> } catch (IOException e) {
> 	e.printStackTrace();
> }
> Michelle
> -----Original Message-----
> From: udig-devel-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> [mailto:udig-devel-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Jesse 
> Eichar
> Sent: 14 March 2006 20:30
> To: User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS
> Subject: Re: [udig-devel] Shapefiles
> Here's the interface (I added some comments today as well :P):
> /**
> *
> * Defines the behaviour when a drag and drop event occurs.  The 
> extension declaration combined with the accepts method
> * determines whether the Action will be ran for a given drag/drop
> event.
> *
> * @author jdeolive
> * @since 1.0.0
> */
> public abstract class IDropAction {
> 	public static final String XPID = 
> "net.refractions.udig.ui.dropAction"; //$NON-NLS-1$
> 	/** the extension info **/
> 	IConfigurationElement element;
>      private Object destination;
>      private Object data;
>      private DropTargetEvent event;
>      private int location;
>      /**
>       * Returns the Configuration element that definates the action in

> the extension declaration.
>       *
>       * @return the Configuration element that definates the action in

> the extension declaration.
>       */
> 	public IConfigurationElement getElement() {
> 		return element;
> 	}
>      /**
>       * Returns the name of the action.
>       *
>       * @return Returns the name of the action.
>       */
> 	public String getName() {
> 		if (element == null)
> 			return ""; //$NON-NLS-1$
> 		return element.getAttribute("name"); //$NON-NLS-1$
> 	}
>      /**
>       * Called if the action seems to be a good candidate for handling

> the drop event.
>       *
>       * @return true if the action this it should handle the drop
> event.
>       */
>      public abstract boolean accept();
>      /**
>       * Performs the drop action.
>       *
>       * @param monitor a progress monitor for showing the progress of 
> the current event.
>       */
> 	public abstract void perform(IProgressMonitor monitor);
>      /**
>       * Returns the dropped data.
>       *
>       * @return the dropped data.
>       */
>      public Object getData() {
>          return data;
>      }
>      /**
>       * Returns the object that the data was dropped on.
>       *
>       * @return the object that the data was dropped on.
>       */
>      public Object getDestination() {
>          return destination;
>      }
>      /**
>       * Called by framework to initialize the action.
>       *
>       * @param element2 the extension configuration element
>       * @param event2 the drop event.
>       * @param destination2 the object that the data was dropped on.
>       * @param data2 the data that was dropped.
>       */
>      public void init( IConfigurationElement element2, DropTargetEvent

> event2, int location2,
>              Object destination2, Object data2 ) {
>          this.element=element2;
>          this.event=event2;
>          this.location=location2;
>          this.destination=destination2;
>      }
>      /**
>       * The drop event.
>       * @return Returns the drop event.
>       */
>      public DropTargetEvent getEvent() {
>          return event;
>      }
>      /**
>       * This does not always make sense for the drop event.  But in 
> the case that the component is a jface viewer then this method will 
> indicate the
>       * location where the drop is taking place (before, on or after 
> the destination object).
>       *
>       * @see ViewerDropAdapter#getCurrentLocation()
>       *
>       * @return If the component is not a viewer this will always 
> return {@link ViewerDropAdapter#LOCATION_ON} otherwise it will be one 
> of the LOCATION_*
>       * values.
>       */
>      public int getViewerLocation() {
>          return location;
>      }
> }
> Jesse
> On 14-Mar-06, at 12:22 PM, M.S.Bachler wrote:
>> Hi!
>> That's great.
>> (I thought it was just me being really thick, and not spotting how to

>> get the x,y).
>> Thanks for adding these changes.
>> I still can't download the source code at the moment - we do use a 
>> proxy and I have a feeling it must be blocking some of the command 
>> Subversion needs - I will see IT tomorrow about it.
>> As I can't get to the source code - are there any javadocs on these 
>> changes so I know what methods/variables are now available.
>> Thanks
>> Michelle
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: udig-devel-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>> [mailto:udig-devel-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Jesse 
>> Eichar
>> Sent: 14 March 2006 19:08
>> To: User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS
>> Subject: Re: [udig-devel] Shapefiles
>> Ok so a change of plans.
>> I've changed the API slightly.  Shouldn't bother you too much, all
>> the
>> information is still there in the IDropAction class, now I've added 
>> the getEvent() method to the IDropAction class.  It has the x,y 
>> location of the event.
>> I think I've cleaned things up a little so you shouldn't have to
>> worry
>> about any other classes besides the IDropAction (before the 
>> UDIGDropHandler was accessible from the IDropAction)  I've changed 
>> that but made sure that all the information is still available in the

>> IDropAction.
>> Jesse
>> On 14-Mar-06, at 9:33 AM, Jesse Eichar wrote:
>>> Truthfully this is a good question.  I think you've identified 
>>> another short coming of this API.  I am going to make 3 changes to 
>>> UDIGDropHandler.
>>> 1.  I'm going to change getLocation to return a Point which will be 
>>> the x,y coordinates of the drop event relative to the component that

>>> the component is dropped on. 2.  I'm going to add the method
>>> getViewerLocation() that will return ON, BEFORE and AFTER locations.
>>> (That is what getLocation() currently does)
>>> 3.  I'm going to add a method isViewer() so you can determine if the

>>> control is a viewer and if you should use getViewerLocation() or 
>>> getLocation().
>>> You'll have to download tonights nightly build.
>>> (Sorry for the hard time you are having but DND has been a real 
>>> headache for me to figure out, never mind do right)
>>> Jesse
>>> On 14-Mar-06, at 2:19 AM, M.S.Bachler wrote:
>>>> Hi
>>>> Sorry about yesterdays rant.
>>>> If you have not lost all patients with me, I would really
>>>> appreciate
>>>> it if anyone could tell me how I get the x, y coordinates of the 
>>>> drop from my IDropAction class.
>>>> Thanks
>>>> Michelle
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From: udig-devel-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>>>> [mailto:udig-devel-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of 
>>>> M.S.Bachler
>>>> Sent: 13 March 2006 11:04
>>>> To: User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS
>>>> Subject: RE: [udig-devel] Shapefiles
>>>> Hi!
>>>> Thanks everyone for your various inputs.
>>>> I am still not sure what I am doing (I have decided I am just 
>>>> thick!).
>>>> I can't see how the DataUtility way or creating a FeatureType
>>>> passes
>>>> in the x,y of the point. Then again, I can't even figure out how I 
>>>> get the x, y coordinates of the drop from my IDropAction class in 
>>>> order to create the coords for my Point class in the first place? I

>>>> have run around the API, but can't figure it out.
>>>> Is there really no example code out there that I can study to help 
>>>> me
>>>> understand things better. I am unable to download the source code 
>>>> with Subversion (I did write to the list about this but no one 
>>>> replied). I need the equivalent of "uDig for Dummies" book.
>>>> Being a Java developer for many years I thought this project would 
>>>> be
>>>> relatively easy. But I think having no familiarity with Eclipse or 
>>>> GIS at all, has really not helped me. While Eclipse is becoming
>>>> more
>>>> familiar, 'GIS speak' is still a mistery. I think what seems
>>>> obvious to
>>>> many of you when talking about the code, just escapes me.
>>>> I know people are reluctant to spoon feed me the code I need. I
>>>> know
>>>> I need to go through the pain barrier and try and understand it all

>>>> myself. But it really hurts, and for various reasons the timescale 
>>>> of my project has been shrunk, and I am in danger (for the first 
>>>> time in my lief!), of not completing something, and having to say I

>>>> can't do it.
>>>> I think I have just not reached that eureka moment, when everything

>>>> suddenly clicks into place. I hope it happens soon! I still have a 
>>>> head full of floating jigsaw pieces.
>>>> Meanwhile, if someone could help me with how I get the x,y of the 
>>>> drop, that would be great.
>>>> Michelle - ( with a heavy cold - feeling rather sorry for myself :-

>>>> ( - going to get a cup of tea )
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From: udig-devel-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>>>> [mailto:udig-devel-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Jody

>>>> Garnett
>>>> Sent: 11 March 2006 08:58
>>>> To: User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS
>>>> Subject: Re: [udig-devel] Shapefiles
>>>> You guys are working to hard, I wrote a parser method I never
>>>> wanted
>>>> to do this stuff twice.
>>>> -
>>>> DataUtil
>>>> ities.html
>>>> The format is silly, but it is in the javadocs:
>>>> -
>>>> DataUtil
>>>> ities.html#createType(java.lang.String,%20java.lang.String)
>>>> basically: 
>>>> "name:String,age:Number,position:Point,*destination:Point"
>>>> Where the * indicates the default geometry ..
>>>> Other useful stuff:
>>>> -
>>>> feature/
>>>> Featu
>>>> reTypes.html
>>>> Jody
>>>>> M.S.Bachler wrote:
>>>>>> Hi!
>>>>>> Silly question.
>>>>>> Earlier you helpfully gave me a code snippet to create a new 
>>>>>> shapefile.
>>>>>> IndexedShapefileDatastoreFactory fac=new 
>>>>>> IndexedShapefileDataStoreFactory();
>>>>>> ShapefileDataStore ds=fac.createDatastore(url);
>>>>>> // I assume this is the URL of the new shapefile I want it to 
>>>>>> create?
>>>>>> GeometryFactory gf = new GeometryFactory();
>>>>>> ds.createSchema( featureType );
>>>>>> // Here I got lost. Started to investigate FeatureType and felt 
>>>>>> like I was walking through tar.
>>>>> I did some stuff with FeatureType the other day... trying to
>>>>> create
>>>>> a new Feature from scratch. Here is the code I found to create a 
>>>>> new
>>>>> FeatureType:
>>>>>                     AttributeType geomAttr =
>>>> AttributeTypeFactory.newAttributeType("the_geom",
>>>> LineString.class);
>>>>>                     FeatureType ftRoad =
>>>> FeatureTypeBuilder.newFeatureType(new AttributeType[] {geomAttr}, 
>>>> "road");
>>>>>     //                WKTReader wktReader = new WKTReader();
>>>>>     //                Point geometry = (Point)
>>>>> ("POINT
>>>> (" + lat + " " + lon + ")");
>>>>>                     GeometryFactory geomFactory = new
>>>> GeometryFactory();
>>>>>                     LineString geometry =
>>>> geomFactory.createLineString(coords);
>>>>>                     Feature theRoad = ftRoad.create(new Object[] 
>>>>> {geometry}, "myRoad");
>>>>> This example Feature only has one attribute which is the geometry,

>>>>> the_geom. You can create and add other attributes in the 
>>>>> AttributType[] and Object[] if needed.
>>>>> These classes are from the org.geotools.feature package.
>>>>> Hopefully you may find this useful. I'm not sure if this is the 
>>>>> most
>>>>> up-to-date way of doing it, but it worked for me.
>>>>> Mark
>>>>> --
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