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RE: [udig-devel] Attribute editing


If the datastore has  a non AUTO_COMMIT transaction then all the changes of features being made through FeatureStore interface are not directly persisted back to the datastore (that’s true at least for shapefiles).  And if you want to persist changes you have to just commit transaction Transaction.commit() – that rewrites/adds/removes modified/added/removed features had been collected in the transaction.  By default in UDIG non AUTO_COMMIT transaction is used…  In user interface there is a button “Commit changes” ..


Especially for shapefiles: there were different bugs in UDIG when shapefile datastore has been locked in READ mode and transaction never can be committed.


Probably I can help where is the problem if you give more details.. I have been struggling a lot of with shapefiles writing..





From: udig-devel-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:udig-devel-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Johan C. de Koning
Sent: Friday, February 10, 2006 3:30 PM
To: 'User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS'
Subject: [udig-devel] Attribute editing




When I change an attribute of a feature, the new value is not stored inside my own datastore (but also in common datastores like the shapefile). There is one excepting that when also the geometry of the feature is edited. As far as I can see is this because of the implementation of the FeatureWriter which only triggers changes to the geometry and not the attribute. Is this true? Or should I also have to use another interface to trigger inside my FeatureWriter that an attribute is changed? Looping to all the features to see if there are changes is in my opinion too expensive.


Best regards,


Johan de Koning

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