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Re: [udig-devel] FeatureEditor HowTo

sebastien.piau@xxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:


Does anyone can explain me how to use the featureEditor extension point? I'm trying to register an editor to a featureType named "zipcodes". At the moment my editor seems to be registered to all featureType...

There should be something that limits when your FeatureEditor gets used ....

This is my plugin.xml declaration :

I think if you only use <typename name="zipcodes"> things will work out for you. I am not sure where you got your data from, but very few geotools datasources "deal" with namespace very well. Namespace is supposed to indicate the GML namespace prefix that should be used by GeoServer when it produces content. We should switch over to using a proper URI (indeed we may have).

If you are still in doubt about your namespace make yourself an opperation that inspects your FeatureType prints out the featureType.getNamespace() - indeed one of the opperations already provided should do the trick ...

I think the typeName declaration is incorrect. What should be the "name" and "namespace" values??


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