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[udig-devel] First cut of Events done! Please test

You will see I made a StyleComponent to hold the event shunting code, this bottoms out
at StyleLayerDescriptor - which actually fires events.

I think the setters should look like this for "simple content" like name, title, description:
    public void setName(String name) { = name;
For a more complicated thing - that is still in the style package:
    public void setFill(Fill fill) {
        if( this.fill == fill ) return;
        if( this.fill != null ){
            fireChildRemoved( fill );
        this.fill = fill;
        if( fill != null ){
            fireChildAdded( fill );
} }
And finally for something like an Expression (that the user interface may be in the middle
of editing):
    public void setRotation(Expression rotation) {
        this.rotation = rotation;
        fireChildChanged( rotation );
    public void setRotation(double rotation) {
setRotation(filterFactory.createLiteralExpression( rotation )); }
What is left to do? Lists - I placed the fireChilfChanged( child1, child2 ) to handle moves, but we really need to break out a list to intercept edits of this nature. Currently the best that can be done is smacking
the entire array for a single "changed" event.

The deltas work as expected, I create a StyleAdapater (abstract StyleListener according to Java naming conventions) where we can
put utility code to help people understand the events.


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