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[udig-devel] Re: Eclipse 3.1.1 updates and new

Hi Cory and Jody

Cory wrote:
> >Having the RCP(!) language pack in means that people using the
> >concerned "western" locales will get the RPC language pack installed into
> their
> >Eclipse IDE.  If I'm not mistaken, this will mean that they end up with a
> partly
> >localized IDE: The RCP parts are localized, the IDE-specific parts not.
> (Correct
> >me if you think I misunderstand his.)
> >
> >
> I'm still playing with my locale settings, but will investigate (user
> experience would be useful, as i'm not a native "western" locale user...
> we should however, be able to override the locale settings to load
> eclipse in your language in choice, just like we do in uDig by changing
> the shortcut from:
> C:\java\eclipse\eclipse.exe -vmargs -Xmx512m
> to
> C:\java\eclipse\eclipse.exe -nl en -vmargs -Xmx512m

Oh yes, that's possible too. I just never use the -nl parameter. But now that
you mention it: it is the easier solution.

> >a) Install the, but later disable the language pack in "Manage
> >configuration". This gives you an English Eclipse IDE, but retains the
> >possibility to use the RCP language pack plugins for building and testing
> the
> >localized uDig (which was intended).
> >That's more or less what I prefer.
> >
> >
> Where is "manage configuration"?

In the Eclipse IDE: From the menu select
  Help>Software Updates>Manage configuration
I must admitt that the least place to look for it is under "Help", but I can't
help this.

Jody wrote:
> If it is going to be this much bother, can we include the complete
> language packs in eclipse_extras? I hate to see people download the same
> stuff twice...

Sorry if I gave this wrong impression. Actually I intended to show that there is
NO big problem. :-) As described it is easy to turn the localization off in the
IDE. If people really want a localized IDE they should download/install the NL
pack themselves. (But I doubt many deveopers do this.)

The point is, that the IDE language pack is 50MB afaik. (The RCP language pack
is rather small.) So better keep it as it is now.

Matthias Basler

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