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[udig-devel] Re: Eclipse 3.1.1 updates and new

Cory wrote:
> [...] In addition, the
> file you extracted into your eclipse environment when you set
> up eclipse for uDig has changed... please download it again and apply it
> to your eclipse path (it now includes the RCP files from

Having the RCP(!) language pack in means that people using the
concerned "western" locales will get the RPC language pack installed into their
Eclipse IDE.  If I'm not mistaken, this will mean that they end up with a partly
localized IDE: The RCP parts are localized, the IDE-specific parts not. (Correct
me if you think I misunderstand his.)

This is not very nice imho but there are two easy solutions:

a) Install the, but later disable the language pack in "Manage
configuration". This gives you an English Eclipse IDE, but retains the
possibility to use the RCP language pack plugins for building and testing the
localized uDig (which was intended).
That's more or less what I prefer.

b) Install the, but then install the complete IDE(!) language pack
over it. This way you get a COMPLETELY localized IDE environment. I don't think
the additional language pack files will affect running and testing uDig (as long
as uDig does not depend on any IDE-specific packages).

(P.S. I always set up Eclipse myself, so I have never actually downloaded the And I won't just download it now for testing - I'm close to my
download limit this month.)

Matthias Basler

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