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[udig-devel] OS/X Notes

Some notes as a moderately blind tester of 1.0.1:

- Things were very unpleasant until I deleted my old workspace (from rc6). Then things seemed to work better.
- DnD from the file browser into uDig works into the Catalog panel only.
- DnD within uDig itself seems largely missing. Dragging from Catalog to Layers to Catalog to Map yields nothing.
- Shape files work, zoom, pan, select, info.
- Search works, albeit slowly.
- Playing with WFS and WMS, not very satisfactory, at least against randomly chosen entries from Search. Eventually all rendering ceases and zoom tool no longer works. - Opening uDig the second time is like opening it the first time without first deleting the workspace. Unpleasant. Little works. First a dialog "Unable to read workbench state. Workbench UI layout will be reset." Then things come up (with Catalog entries intact) but unable to create maps, etc.

So much for write once, run anywhere :) At least it looks godlike. I'll have to bring in machines for testing and fixing.


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