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[udig-devel] Re: A bit more forgiving on layer graphics ...

Jody wrote:
> Those following udig development may remember a time when more legend
> graphics showed up.
> This is due to a conflicting world view we have with the WMS spec. It
> provides *legend* graphics were we really need *layer* graphics for udig.

My opinion is that every attempt to sqeeze such legend graphics (like the
examples in your mail) into a 16x16 icon is doomed by definition. They are't
made for something like that.

I'd rather use a standard icon for all WMS layers (except, maybe, where the
returned image is 16x16 by chance) and show the returned "legends" in full size
in some other way. Some things I could imagine:
- Show them in a corner of the actual map
- Show them as a popup if the mouse cursor hoovers over the layer's legend entry
in the legend view.

Matthias Basler

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