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[udig-devel] How to debug your udig build

So I missed out one step ....

0) svn update
1) Switch to resource view
2) delete all the jars in libs
3) Go into my local dot maven directory (only an issue if you build geotools) and rename repository to repository2
4) run clean on libs
5) run PDE > update classpath

This did grab an update to build.xml (from rgould), after doing the above I left with the following situtation.
1) The project cannot be built until build path errors are resolved
2) more jars were downloaded then were used

My PackageExplorer shows most jars as in use (they have a little jar glyph), but two are left unsed in the libs folder ( ostgis-driver-1.0.jar and postgisql-74.213.jar). This is to be expected, we moved the postgis jars into net.refractions.udig.libs.postgis (although I am tempted to rename the plugin as org.postgis). I also noticed that these jars are commited directly into the repository ....

Okay now for the build path error: That would be a problem with the "Java Nature" (aka the .classpath and .projects). So we need to project properties check that out to see the actual problem. I did not see anything wrong ...

Well lets try again, since the .classpath & .project is completly generated from the Plugin Development Environment (plugin.xml and MANIFEST.MF) we can try to regenerate. Right click on net.refractions.udig.libs > PDE Tools > Update Classpath ...

Selecting all and hitting Finish has me with a working libs directory.

In general try and get your build working in the following order:
1 - libs (basically download everything)
2 - core (first plugin that depends on libs)
3 - catalog (this gets as far as the GIS Platform)
4 - project (this gets us the GIS Application model)
5 - project.ui and tools (rest of the application)
6 - community, tests and tutorials

Sometime I get stuck at step 4 (usually to do with EMF) but it has not happened this year.

This time

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