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[udig-devel] sld export and getting the shapefile improvements.

Udiggers -

I've been playing for the last week, I've got a presentation this
friday, on open source GIS, and am going to demo udig, among other

First thing, I'm going to be using some shapefiles, and some with
points, so I'm wondering if it'd be possible to get the latest
improvements.  Without having to check out and build myself.  A 1.0.1
would be ideal, but it also could be quite nice if you just had a
plug-in download page.  We do this with GeoServer, our DataStore Extras
often contain early versions of datastore improvements.  Can the
shapefile improvements be easily plugged in?

Second, are the indexed shapefile improvements going to be rolled into
the main shapefile module?  I think that was always the intention of
the contributer, subject to the approval of the module maintainer. 
IanS is a bit gone these days, I wonder if Jesse could perhaps take
over Shapefile module maintenance?  I think at this point he knows it
as well as anyone else.

Third, I have to make a bunch of SLD files for my layers on GeoServer. 
Is there a way to export SLD from the udig styles?  I can't seem to
find a button or anything to do that.  Also when in the time line is a
real sld editor set for?  It'd be great if you could define complex
rules and the like in UDIG, and then just export the sld, and upload
that to GeoServer.  One step closer to a 'deploy geoserver' button from

Anyways, keep up the good work guys.


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