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[udig-devel] Re: [Repast-interest] Network how-to


We seem to be working on the same problem, we have developed a road charging model, for the recently announced extension to the UK's road charging scheme, together with several ANN models (Joone) for port capacity analysis, and associated IT sizing plus capacity models, using agents moving through the UK road network connected to a GIS, in this case uDIG. The uDig project is closely associated with GeoTools which is a component of Repast.

Although the task sounds easy in practice various difficulties have to be overcome, In our case we embedded Repast into uDig and extended uDig with Repast's controls and plots, plus some extended recording devices, all fairly basic stuff given some Eclipse platform knowledge, the real difficulty came in the GIS display. The rendering mechanisms of GIS systems are chosen for memory / rendering accuracy tradeoffs, whereas simulation tradeoffs are frame rates etc. (simplified), we overcame this by extending uDigs "layer's" with "overlays", which though derived from uDigs layer code have a different Geotools rendering component optimized for simulation.

The rather large data streams generated by this simulation were controlled by a data stream management system see Stanford univ. Stream package and the PIPES stream processing package from
Research Group Database Systems <>, Prof. Dr. B. Seeger <>, Hans-Meerwein-Straße <>, Lahnberge <> Department <> of Mathematics <> and Computer Science <>, Philipps-University <>

developed as a uDig plugin allowing the selection of interesting for display / analysis data by SQL statements.

It's our intention to return this code to the uDig and Repast projects but like you we cannot find any place for Repast code, hope this points towards some possiblities to advance your project.


Susan Black ( in Tony Kennedy's absence)

Suneet Kamath wrote:

Having gone through the list archives I've found many people trying to do things that I'm trying to do. I was wondering if anyone may have code that does something similar -

I want to show agents (vehicles) moving through a transport (street) network that is ultimately connected to a GIS package. Easy enough as it sounds and with some Java experience I can't get this done.

Any ideas?


PS - Why do we not have code archives where people upload modules or examples developed. Or is there one and I have not found it

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