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[udig-devel] GeoTools 2.1.x Build Report [ 2005/06/08 11:55 ]

Jody Garnett wrote:

I will be playing with jira in the next couple of hours to reflect what we can actually release next week. Something (such as ArcSDE) will be dropped due to lack of resources for testing - these will persist in the codebase on trunk, it is simply that we cannot commit to supporting code we have been unable to personally test.

I will reply to this message with my testing notes, in case there are any questions of scope (or details are needed for jira task creation).

And from Amr ...

DnD shapefiles
Try DnD’ing 2 shapefiles from explorer into udig! Makes 2 projects + 2 maps

Layers view issues
-Open up uDig load some layers from
-All is well!
-Open new map (keep old one) do a search for “weather” and expand “Southeast Environmental Association…” Then select the “PEI” WMS layer to view. *-Switch to the other map(map1), then go back to map2, layers view is screwed up. Presumably because of a large WMS glyph from PEI which looked ok when it first loaded.
-Delete PEI layer and go back to map1
-Close layers view in hopes of regaining the normal glyphs and sizes.
*-When layers view is opened, all layers are deselected!
*-Switching back and forth between maps causes errors. (but does seem to fix layer selection) *-Not having the layers view and switching between layers also causes errors.

WFS Feature editing
-Open up uDig, and load your favorite WFS (that you can edit, and don’t care about changing the data in) -Editing data looks like it’s working, nothing throws exceptions. But closing the layer, and reloading it shows otherwise, nothing is actually committed to the server. -Occasional exceptions are thrown, but WFS feature editing is just not working.

-Searching seems to be fine, a bit slow sure
-Doing a search on ‘landsat’ takes forever; I may decompose before it’s done! -Bad UI, it says searching, but nothing has been added to the list in the last while, so is it done? Did we just forget to turn off the ‘Searching for xyz…’ progress monitor? -I’m getting tired…click on the progress view and decide to cancel the search; I have several results anyways. Hmmm… canceling the search didn’t do much; the progress meter is still going. -After five minutes of waiting (unable to do anything in uDig I’ve given up on the search and am shutting down the app.

Loading 2 WFS layers
-Open fresh uDig
-Go to add WFS layer wizard and use this url (local on my pc)
-Select the layers ‘USA Population’ and ‘bc_2m_lakes_Type’
*- This causes render errors and does not render the lakes data.
-If these 2 layers are added the same way after something else has been added or added individually, then all is well. It’s when they’re added together on a fresh start that they cause trouble. -After adding the layers (one at a time) trying to do a reprojection (to 3005) only reprojects one layer and crashes on the other. This might be because the default map projection is set to the first added layer’s projection. So this should be tested when that fix is back.

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