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Re: [udig-devel] Quickstart fails

Quoting Jeff Bergamini <jbergami@xxxxxxxxxxx>:

> Hi uDiggers,
> I'm new to the project, going to be doing some modifications for use on
> campuses with Internet2. Anyway, having trouble with the Quickstart.
> Followed the instructions, all freshly downloaded files, checked out
> from the repo ok, but I'm running into many errors.
> >    1. Select all the plug-ins and choose *Project* -> *Clean...* and
> >       clean all the plug-ins.
> >           * This will let net.refractions.udig.libs download the
> >             required jars
> >
> This seems to do nearly ok. shapefile-renderer.jar (commented with a
> "jesse what is this?" :) ) doesn't seem to exist online, so it doesn't
> get that one, but otherwise ok.

Thanks for catching that - you are correct it was not uploaded. We have a 
break in the system - I won't be able to fix this until tomorrow (on a friends 
mac right now).

> > Select the *net.refractions.udig.libs* plugin and press *refresh*.
> >
> >     * This should allow Eclipse to see the recently downloaded jars.
> >
> Don't see a "refresh" anywhere to press...?

Ah - right click on the libs project - it is in the menu.

> >    1. Right click inside the Package Explorer window
> >    2. Select "PDE Tools" and "Update Classpath..."
> >    3. Select All
> >    4. Finish
> >           * This will generate the .classpath and .project files
> >
> OK
> But now, these errors show up in the Problems tab:
> 2    Project CT-ebRIM is missing required Java project: 'geotools'

Yeah - we don't need CT-ebRIM & SchemaCode Generator (it was a catalog 2.0 
experiment & a parser generator) - I will need to update the Quickstart to 
exclude that.  We really only want the content of plugins, fragments and 

I will have to think of something, it is so nice to just select all.

> 2    The import org.geotools.renderer.shape cannot be resolved

This is that missing download - we will get it back tomorrow.

> Anyway, wondering if anybody else would be willing to try a fresh run
> through the Quickstart instructions to see if they get these errors as
> well. I've tried it several times now, always with the same result.

Lets try and fix the problems you have found first :-).
If any udig developers are near the internet - can you upload that missing 
> Thanks for your time.

And you for your - it is great to see people using the instructions.

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