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[udig-devel] Re: uDIG support for DB2

David Adler wrote:
Hi Jody,

I checked in our DB2 plug-in. One of developers is still working on the transaction processing but this should be done soon.

Congrats, if your developer has any questions about the Transaction API feel free to contact me for help. (Transaction.State follows the memento pattern allowing you to place "the current" JDBC connection under control of the Transaction object).

Let me know if there is anything I can do to help. Once we get this working I will update the DB2 spatial web site to reference uDIG and will see what we can do to rebuild our examples around uDIG.

I would like to find the Jira Issues for your DB2 work, so I can mark down the revision numbers associated with your patch
(seems to be r19930).

This will let me include db2 in the geotools release, and it makes sure your work shows up on the release notes.

I can bang out the udig classes for you but I will need to leave testing to you (as I lack a DB2 and time).


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