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[udig-devel] Follow up to todays build question

Using eclipse 3.1 M7 the how to run instructions were updated.

Here is the research that went into that:

fragments optional    config.ini generated
off       off         failed*    lacked jre
off       on          worked+    lacked jre+
on        off         worked     lacked jre

* failure occurred due to conflict between various SWT implementations already present for cross platform export of application + the optional dependencies introduced additional IDE pages into the import wizard

It should be noted that the "generated config.ini" can be found in your workspace .metadata/.plugins\org.eclipse.pde.core\Go folder (where Go was the name of your run configuration). This config init is clearly a *one off* (it contains hard coded file locations) and is not suitable for general deployment.

Cheers, Jody

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