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[udig-devel] Re: EPSG-ACCESS and EPS-WKT

simone giannecchini a écrit :
1>Is it my impression or the Standard Mercator 1 parallel projection
is not yeat supported in GeoTools? I think this since I get no errors
or exception but nothing happens.

Mercator 1 parallel projection is supported in Geotools. If a projection is not supported, you should get an exception.

In the particular case of Mercator projection, one may get the illusion that nothing is done. This is because that at the difference of Conic or Stereographic projection (for example), the Cylindical Mercator projection keep parallels and meridians as straight lines crossing at right angles. The only visible difference compared to a plain latitude/longitude map is that parallels close to the poles are further apart. See:

There is many way you can check if a projection has really be done:

- Print GridCoverage2D.getEnvelope() and check the coordinates.

- Invoke GridCoverage2D.getRenderedImage() and inspect the JAI
  operations. You can do that graphically using the
  org.geotools.gui.swing.ImageProperties widget (I invite you to
  try this widget; it is of some help for debugging image processing).

2>Are epsg-access and epsg-wkt interchangeable?
AXIS["Geodetic latitude", NORTH, AUTHORITY["EPSG","106"]], AXIS["Geodetic longitude", EAST, AUTHORITY["EPSG","107"]],
AXIS["Lon", EAST], AXIS["Lat", NORTH],

I checked in the EPSG database version 6.6, and the correct axis order is the one produced by EPSG-Access.

This explain the problems we have been experiencing in the WMS-WCS
side because of the fact that we were using epsg-access and epsg-wkt
at the same time.

Right. So we have a choice:

   1) Either someone fix the EPSG WKT property file.

or 2) A volunter go ahead and do GEOT-46, which could be a replacement
      for the WKT factory. See


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