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Re: [udig-devel] CRS

On Tue, 2005-04-19 at 20:57 +0100, dblasby@xxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
> Jessie, I think i wasnt being clear.  Sorry.
> >A second issue with the example you showed is that bc_roads will throw
> a
> >transform exception if you are looking at the points because the area
> >that the points in is not part of the bc albers valid area.  Not much I
> >can do for that other than provide a better message.
> 1. start with an "empty" udig
> 2. load bc_roads.shp (its in bc albers).  wait for it to render.
> 3. change the projection to 4326 (map->properties).
>      You'll either get a blank map & error OR
>      it'll render in bc albers & you'll get an error.

Arrgh this is a pain.  The exception is: 
org.opengis.referencing.operation.OperationNotFoundException: Bursa wolf
parameters required.

This is a problem we worked hard to fix in geotools, but it seems to
have reared its ugly head again.  basically the bc data is in NAD83 bc
albers and 4326 is WGS84.  Apparently the new code desires TOWGS84
parameters to go between the two.  We'll have to move this discussion to


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