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[udig-devel] Re: uDIG features: advanced editing, validation, spatial and attribute operations

Got this in my email box this morning, there are some quick answers in-line.

Since uDIG is going to be 1.0, I am not sure, if I understand uDIG target good. I am watching uDIG for several months and I am thinking about uDIG as follower of VividSolution's Jump. Follower - it means that all good features of Jump will be preserved and taken into other architecture together with larger data source support, better memory handling and plugin architecture etc. But as uDIG is going to be 1.0, I am missing some features of Jump in uDIG. These are (some of that are not implemented in Jump but can be nice to have it):
Advanced editing capabilities

1) snapping to grid, 2) snapping to vertex or edge of edited layer,
3) snapping to vertes or edge of layer different than edited layer,
All of these above mentioned editing capabilities are important. I understand that editing without snapping support is next to useless.

4) all capabilities of Jump edit toolbar in Jump's easy way (insert, delete, move vertex of any geometry type; add or remove of Point, MultiPoint, LineString, MultiLineString, Polygon, MultiPolygon),
Our current edit tool is based on the selected Layer, allowing the creation, deletion and editing of point, line and polygon data. We need to make all three options available for Layers of type Geometry. Insert and Move of vertex is supported, we still need a tool to remove vertices.

5) editing vertex coordinates in hand in easy editable area (window),
6) better editing attributes,
We have a FeatureEditor extension point, with a default implementation allowing you to edit all the attributes. Geometry is represented using a tree structure, allowing you to edit at the coordinates level. Several alternate views (such as what JUMP has) is a great idea (and is intended).

7) editing features using Copy & Paste in WKT and WKB
8) warping including in-hand editing of warping vectors
Warping, in my understanding, is similar to a user supplied reprojection (often used for conflation between two datasets) - this is a little bit out of scope of the uDig project.

Validation capabilities

9) validation capabilities in such advanced way as provided by Jump (both geometry metrics validation and geometry types validation)

Spatial operations

10) selecting (and putting to identify output table) all features from selected (current) layer, which return true to defined SFS SQL SELECT - let say SELECT * FROM counties WHERE intersects(geometry, (SELECT geometry FROM regions))
The select view allows you to enter selections using a the OGC Filter syntax (similar to the where clause of SFS SQL).

11) creating new layer from select defined in above point 10
12) geometry union function (union of all features from selected layer)

Attribute operations (simplification of spatial operations)

13) selecting (and putting to identify output table) all features from selected (current) layer, which return true to defined SQL SELECT - let say SELECT * FROM counties WHERE population > 1000)
14) creating new layer from select defined in above point 13
The remaining items are the example of operations best performed using the uDig plugin framework. It will take us sometime to catch up to the capabilities of JUMP in this respect. Our focus is slightly different as we are focused on an OGC work flow, scalability, and a well defined extension mechanism.

For more details please read the uDig requirements document: (or the quick summary here

In addition to above points, I have problem with some datasources:

15) I can not connect any ArcSDE data source. Is ArcSDE supported? After filling connection properties, the dialog freezes. 16) Do I need some additional libraries like ArcSDE Java API library? 17) Which RDBMS running under ArcSDE are supported? 18) Is supported both versioned and non-versioned ArcSDE?
ArcSDE support is available through the Geotools toolkit, an associated project GeoServer has ArcSDE working. We have included ArcSDE in the most recent support at the request of several volunteers who have access to an ArcSDE test instance.

Local raster files
19) Are supported local raster files (GeoTIFF, GeoJPEG, CIT...)?
Local raster files were supported in uDig 0.8, we temporarily dropped support as we switched over to a new CoordinateReferenceSystem implementation. The geotools library reported last week that they are ready for GridCoverage to be restored in uDig.

20) How can I reproject local ShapeFiles?
Right click on your Map, choose a projection. Your shapefile will be reprojected on the fly during rendering.

Thank You for very brief answer.
Thank you for the interesting list of questions,

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