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Re: [udig-devel] udig0.9.1 feedback

Rueben Schulz wrote:


I spent some time playing with udig 0.9 tonight (on linux). It is
looking very good. I have a few minor issues to report below.

Ok scratch that, you guys are too fast! I am now playing with 0.9.1.
Cool - the main difference is with blockng (aka user interfac frezes0 and searching. So all your feedback is from 0.9.1 I assume.

Going to let Jesse answer this one.


I find the layout of the map toolbars unorganized. Can you place the
zoom and pan tools together and the editing tools together (edit
features is apart from commit and rollback changes).
I thought we had just finished doing this for 0.9.1 ... I will have to check. I am not sure Jesse was able to move the commit/rollback buttons (the intention is to alway keep edit as "last" in the "mode" list, and have apply/revert right after in their own action group.

Also, some buttons do not have tooltips or their tooltips are wrong.
Okay I will throw that into jira.

Information tool

When using the information tool, I was getting this error (and not
attribute information).

18-Mar-2005 9:54:33 PM
WARNING: only one hole in this polygon record

On another layer, I am not getting any errors or information. I think
this worked on windows (udig 0.9) yesterday when I tried it on the same
Not all layers are "infoable" I am supposed to indicate ths when the info tool is selected using underlay cons in the LayerView. But I have not made it that far yet.

In all my testing info tool has performed well, is there anything special about your shapefile?


I tried adding some data from SDE (working with udig 0.9 on windows). I
could not get it to do anything. Do I need anything special to be
This is where I am not sure, we have not had a chance to test the ArcSDE DataStore ourselves. It is included in the release at the request of a user. Can you give us any more information?

The drop down box to chose the field to use for labelling was way too
narrow for me to read the names though (I could only see the first
letter). FYI my monitor resolution is 800*600.
You should see it on linux. Cannot be used at all. Thanks for the feedback, I think we get this solved.

I found the four buttons at the top of the style view (line/disable,
point/disable, polygon/disable, text/disable) to be confusing. If they
only switch between the different style views (ie line style vs label
stuff), can you replace them with a single drop-down list? Also, how do
you turn off the labels.
That is why they are multiple drop down list. One of the entries for T is is T with a \ through it indicating no labels. The problem is the list do not show your current state. Something Justin will be looking into early next week.

Looks like David reported most of this as UDIG-350.
He is quick, it was a race to send out the announcement email before the frst bug report came in.

The remove button in the catalog view does not seem to work.
Agreed - one cannot really remove a catalogentry that is in "use" by a map. I wonder if we can check that and only enable the button when a catalog entry is no longer in ue.


Thanks Rueben that was great, we are going to have a few days downtime (known as a weekend), and then Jesse has some API work on the "map" section of the model to merge in. We will start closing these issues assoon as possible.

Meantime I have docs to write.

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